Teen Talk 05/06/06

Hosts: Anna, Lynnsay, Christie, Dylan and Ariel
Topic: Activism
Call in show

RadioActive 05/04/06

Calais/Baileyville bridge and international border crossing project
Radio Sampul update (gold mining in area)
John Greenman’s report back from the peace march last weekend in NYC
Producers: Amy Browne and Meredith DeFrancesco

Doing Business 05/04/06

Doing Business 5/4/06

Host: Jane Haskell
Hour long call in show
Topic: Micro Biz is Big Biz in Maine
Guests: James C. McConnon, Jr. Business and Economics Specialist and Associate Professor of Resource Economics and Policy, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Eloise Vitelli, Director of Program and Policy Development, Women, Work and Community, Augusta, Maine

What is “micro biz”?
How big is it in Maine?
What are some resources for micro businesses?

Healthy Options 05/03/06

Host Andree Bella interviews Dr. Christiane Northrup about her book “Mother-Daughter Wisdom: Understanding the Crucial Link Between Mothers, Daughters and Health” What is the link between mothers and daughters that is so important for good physical and mental health? What can you tell us about your views on c-sections, post-partum depression and vaccinations? How does a mother help her daughter develop positive, empowering relationships? And when a daughter “dumps on Mom” how would a mother handle this?

Talk of the Towns 04/28/06

Host Ron Beard and guest Vivian Newman (Maine Chapter Sierra Club), Walter Anderson (former Maine state geologist), Todd Burrowes (Maine State Planning office) and Mike Crocker (Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance) discuss off-shore drilling and what is at stake for Maine.

What is the background on the 20 plus year moratorium on offshore drilling?

What concerns are leading to moves in Congress to lift that moratorium?

What are the potential advantages and disadvantages to drilling/production of oil/gas reserves off Maine’s coast?

Call in show

RadioActive 04/27/06

Artist Lily Yeh, one of Robert Shetterly’s “Americans Who Tell the Truth” describes the transformative and healing powers of art in ravaged communities around the world. Interviewed by Kim Ridley, recorded by Dave Evans, in Maine April 2006

Hosts/Producers: Amy Browne and Meredith DeFrancesco