RadioActive 04/13/06

Topic(s): The controversy surrounding LD141 which would allow and regulate burning of construction and demolition debris (CDD) in Maine 2 pre-recorded interviews (of State Reps. Ted Koffman and Joanne Twomey) and a phone interview with Hillary Lister of CAPIT

Also, a brief update on the status of LD1481 which would make it more difficult for local residents to ban big box stores and other large developments

Boattalk 04/11/06

Topics included: Port Security, “Come Boating”, Kenduskeag Stream Race, Atlantic Challenge, LNG and International passage, moonlight, Dorado’s

Phone Guest: Joanne Moesswilde of “Come Boating” in Belfast, Maine

Hosts: Alan Sprague and Mike Joyce

RadioActive 04/06/06

Segments on Hancock County (Maine) Jail Volunteers, Passamaquoddy resistance to proposed LNG facility in Washington County (Maine), and current events, announcements

Hosts: Meredith DeFrancesco and Amy Browne

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 04/06/06

Part of our ongoing series on privacy in the digital age. This edition deals
with privacy in the commercial world – from companies amassing huge
databases about customers to those same companies losing control of that
data and what it means to you as a consumer and a citizen (the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security, after all, buys information about citizens
from commercial providers that it is not allowed by law to collect itself).

Host: Jim Campbell