Notes from the Electronic Cottage 10/18/18

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

One of the big arguments in favor of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is that machines have no emotions and hence no biases. The first assertion is true – at least so far – but the part about having no biases? Maybe not so true because, after all, machines are programmed, at least initially, by people and people, unlike machines, do have emotions. As AI becomes more and more ubiquitous in our everyday lives, it seems like a good idea to think about just how unbiased machines really are.

Maine Currents Special 10/17/18

Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Studio Engineer: John Greenman

Local journalist Lawrence Reichard joins us with a report back from his recent trip to the home of Nordic Aquafarms. He traveled to Norway and Denmark to learn more about the company that plans to build a giant land based salmon aquaculture facility in Belfast. We hear what he discovered, and take questions and comments from listeners.

Reichard’s column, Bricks and Mortars appears in the Republican Journal, and can be found online at
FMI or to sign up to receive Bricks and Mortars via email, contact Lawrence Reichard at

Panel Discussion: “Sex Discrimination in Maine: Why We Need an Equal Rights Amendment”

Recorded in Bangor on 10/10/18

Sex Discrimination in Maine: Why We Need an Equal Rights Amendment

Panel Discussion moderated by Nancy Murdock, Equal Rights Maine

Rebecca Webber, attorney with Skelton, Taintor and Abbott, specializing in Employment and Civil Rights Litigation
Kathleen Caldwell, retired 35 year Pine Tree legal assistance attorney, specializing in poverty law

Equal Rights Maine
Advocating for the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and to the Constitution of the State of Maine FMI: