Special: Afghan youth volunteering in Kabul refugee camp; Fast for Yemen 1/29/19

Producer/Host: Carolyn Coe

Afghan youth volunteering in Kabul refugee camp; Fast for Yemen

Key Discussion Points:
What are the challenges for Afghans living in one of Kabul’s refugee camps? What was the experience of a Afghan teenager volunteering in the camp?
What was the purpose of the Fast for Yemen? What is the role of direct action–of a vigil, a fast, and nonviolent disobedience–in calling for justice, and peace?


Elina Moradyar, Afghan Peace Volunteer, volunteer life skills teacher in Police Camp, Kabul
Ramzia, life skills student and IDP, Kabul
Obaida, life skills student and IDP, Kabul
Vigilers at the Fast for Yemen:
Alice Sturm Sutter
Richenda Kramer
Brian Terrell
Bud Courtney
Maya Evans
Ed Kinane
Kathy Kelly

Voices for Creative Nonviolence, vcnv.org

The Nature of Phenology 1/26/19

Producers/Hosts: Hazel Stark and Joe Horn


Photos, a full transcript, references, contact information, and more available at thenatureofphenology.wordpress.com.

Short-tailed weasels are year-round Maine residents, but we tend to call them ermines in the winter when they change from light brown with pale bellies to pure white with black-tipped tails. The unusually bright white quality of their winter fur made ermines especially desirable for the royalty of yesteryear who cherished their skins to create those famous black-spotted bright white fur collars and trim on their red velvet capes.