Baby Talk 2/23/11

Producer/Host: Cathy Jacobs
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Topic: Maternal Ambivalence

What are some of the mixed feelings that mothers have toward their children and toward motherhood? Why is it so difficult for women to talk about their feelings? How can mothers handle these feelings in a healthy way?

Guest: Dr. Barbara Almond, author of The Monster Within: The Hidden Side of Mothering

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Baby Talk 1/26/11

Producer/Host: Cathy Jacobs
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Topic: Home births/Certified Professional Midwifery

What is a certified professional midwife? Is home birth safe? What birth options do pregnant couples have?

Holly Arends Murphy, Certified Professional Midwife
Leah Kohlstrom, doula, experienced a home birth with Holly attending

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Baby Talk 12/16/10

Producer/Host: Cathy Jacobs
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Topic: Ethics and Young Children

When are babies first aware of right and wrong? How is a child’s “moral compass” determined? What is the “global code of ethics”?

Guest: Dr. Rushworth Kidder, founder of the Institute for Global Ethics and author of Good Kids, Tough Choices: How Parents Can Help Their Children Do the Right Thing

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Baby Talk 11/18/10

Producer/Host: Cathy Jacobs
Studio Engineer: Joel Mann

Topic: The Blue Cotton Gown: A Midwife’s Stories

What are some of the stories in The Blue Cotton Gown ? What is postpartum depression and why is it such an important topic?

Guest: Patricia Harmon, nurse midwife and author of The Blue Cotton Gown

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Baby Talk 10/21/10

Producer/Host: Cathy Jacobs
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Topic: Population Concerns

What is the growing world population such a big concern? Why is population growth a difficult subject to talk about? What is it like to live in the US and have no children? Why might people want no children or one child?

Guests: Beedy Parker, Environmental Volunteer; Larry Dansinger, Organizer of Maine group to address population issues; Meg Gilmartin, Earth First!er, Reproduction Freedom Activist; Ruth Lockhart, Executive Director, Mabel Wadsworth Women’s Health Center

Call in show

Baby Talk 9/16/10

Producer/Host: Cathy Jacobs

Studio Engineer:  Joel Mann

Topic: Frequently Asked Questions about Pregnancy & Childbirth

What are some important things to learn early in pregnancy?  What are some of the common physical symptoms of pregnancy and some common ways to alleviate them?  What are some guidelines for travelling while pregnant?

Guest: Dr. Ari Brown, pediatrician and co-author of Expecting 411: The Insider’s Guide to Pregnancy & Childbirth

Baby Talk 8/19/10

Producer/Host:  Cathy Jacobs

Studio Engineer:  Joel Mann

Topic: Environmental Toxins

What is the Natural Resources Council’s recent work concerning environmental toxins?  Why are some plastics harmful, especially Bisphenol A?  What are some other environmental toxins that parents should be wary of?

Guest: Matt Prindiville,  Legislative Coordinator, Natural Resources Council of Maine