Baby Talk 8/16/07

Producer/host: Cathy Jacobs

Topic: Parenting in Transracial Families

How do children form racial identity?  How can parents support children’s formation of positive racial identity?  What should parents consider as they are deciding whether to adopt a child of another race?

Guests: Dr. Susan Partridge, L.C.S.W. and Developmental Psychologist in Portland, Maine, and Dr. Roy Partridge, Bowdoin College Professor and Episcopal Priest

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Baby Talk 5/17/07

Producer/host: Cathy Jacobs

Topic: Adopting Children from China
What have been the experiences of 3 families who have adopted children from China? What are “waiting children”? Why are there so many girls available for adoption? Are there attachment difficulties when children are first adopted?

Guests: Mary Pat Champeau, Bobbi Ackerman, Ruth Hill

Baby Talk 4/19/07

Producer/host: Cathy Jacobs

Topic: Seeing Babies with New Eyes
How has our view of babies and their abilities changed over the past 30 years?  What do babies need most from their parents and caregivers?  What are some characteristics of young babies?

Guests: Murielle Dibiase and Marella Averill from Southern Kennebec Child Development Services

Note:  The first few minutes of the program were not recorded.  Here is the quote that Cathy Jacobs started the show with this month:
” Until about 30 years ago, it was a common misconception, even among scientists, that newborns are incapable beings who do little more than sleep, cry and digest food.  We now know that newborns are competent and have some amazing abilities.  For example, newborns feel pain, think, dream, differentiate tastes and track a slowly moving object with their eyes.  Perhaps the most striking example of infants’ complex abilities is shown by two-hour-old infants’ preference for hearing something their mother read aloud repeatedly before they were born.  Clearly, many abilities are already finely tuned…”

Baby Talk 3/15/07

Producer/host: Cathy Jacobs

Topic: Attachment Parenting: What is Attachment Parenting?  How can people best prepare for the birth of their baby? What are some of the day-to-day realities of attachment parenting?

Guest: Koko Preston, Parenting Educator

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Baby Talk 2/15/07

Producer/host: Cathy Jacobs

Topic: Natural Infant Hygiene (Elimination Communication): What is natural infant hygiene? What are the benefits for infants, toddlers, and parents? What are some of the challenges?

Guests: Craig Idlebrook, Becka Gagne, Jessie Ray

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Baby Talk 1/18/07

Producer/host:  Cathy Jacobs

Topic: “Connection Parenting”
Guest:  Pam Leo, author of Connection Parenting: Parenting Through Connection instead of Coercion, Through Love instead of Fear, (Wyatt-MacKenzie Publishing, Inc., Deadwood, Oregon)

What is connection parenting?  What does it mean to show respect for children and to listen to their feelings?  What kinds of communication lead to connection?

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Baby Talk 12/21/06

Producer/host: Cathy Jacobs

Topic: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and how does it impact babies and children? What is the training available for schools (called “Good Choice, Bad Choice, No Choice”)? What is it like to be affected by fetal alcohol syndrome?

Guest: Bette Hoxie, Director of Adoptive and Foster Families of Maine; Jennifer Thompson, affected by fetal alchohol syndrome, Bette’s daughter