“Vintage” BoatTalk airdate: 9/9/03

Hosts: Mike Joyce and Alan Sprague

Studio Engineer: Joel Mann

Mike writes:

“Our Sept ’03 interview with Capt. Skip Strong has got to be one of the best sea stories you’ll ever  hear.  ‘In Peril’ is his first hand account of a mayday situation off Florida which resulted in the largest marine salvage in history.  An absolutely compelling account of a marine adventure that becomes a legal thriller and even has a sci-fi side– highly recommended.  Skip Strong will be at the Belfast Harbor Fest, Aug 20-22, 2010”

BoatTalk 8/10/10

Producers/Hosts: Mike Joyce & Alan Sprague

Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Topics: Windward Passage, Maine Boats, Homes and Harbors Show, Coastal Clean-Up,  Fun Boat Building

What are boatyard dog trials?  Getting disadvantaged kids on the water.  Local events happening this month


John Hanson, Maine Boats, Homes and Harbors Magazine;  Captain Giffy Full

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BoatTalk 4/13/10

Producers/Hosts: Alan Sprague and Mike Joyce

Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Topics: Offshore power, wooden boatbuilding, adventure sailing and more

What are local issues about offshore wind and tidal power?  What’s up for local boatbuilder’s first new wooden power yacht in 25 years?  Are there different ways to rig the lobster fishery?

Guests: Chummy Rich, Bass Harbor Boat; Steve Rinker, Around in 10 participant

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