DogTalk 6/25/15

Hosts: Jon Mohr (aka Joneford)
Engineer: John Greenman

Issue: Dealing with the grief from loosing a pet companion.

Key Discussion Points:
a)What making that painful decision entails
b)Dealing with grief, before, during, and after.
c)What things can help us process the pain and hopefully move on.
D] The extra difficulty of children and the elderly letting go.
E] Warning signs to look out for in recovery.


A)Michele Pich, Psychologist and veterinary grief counselor at University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine,
B) Dr John Hunt retired Veterinarian Host of “Pet Sounds” on WERU Sundays 7;30am

DogTalk 3/27/14

Hosts: Jon E Ford
Engineer: Amy Browne

Program Animal shelters – Large and small What are their goals and needs and problems on a daily basis.

Key Discussion Points:
What number of animals go through your doors in a year.
Where do all of them come from, and the reasons they come to you.
What are the biggest problems you face.

Stacy Coventry Director of Development and Public Relations Bangor Humane Society
Vince Ewald Executive Director Ark Animal Shelter Cherryfield Maine