DogTalk 3/22/12

Issue: Hey where did ya get that dog?
Host: Jon e Ford
Engineer:Joel Mann
Program Topic: Knowing your new dog is coming from the right place
Key Discussion Points:
a) How to find out if your dealing with a GOOD breeder
b)How the greyhound placement service works
c) Why Never get your dog from a pet store or puppy mill.
Guests by name and affiliation:
Louise Sawyer and Scott Brons from Maine Greyhound Placement Services
Rod Sparkowich Coastal Canine Consulting
Call In Program: yes

Dog Talk 1/26/12

Program Name:Dog Talk
Broadcast Date:Jan 26 20012
Broadcast Time: 10 am
Program Topic:Homeopathy for pets
Key Discussion Points (list at least 3):
a) What is Homeopathy
b) How Homeopathy can help your pet
c) How to start — which ones to start with
Guests by name and affiliation:
A) Edee Howland Homepath Practitioner
B) Rod Sparkowich Coastal K9 Consulting

Call In Program: yes
Political Broadcast:
Host: Jon e Ford
Engineer: Joel Mann

DogTalk 12/29/11

Broadcast Time: 10 am

Program Topic: Taking your dog to work

Key Discussion Points (list at least 3):
a) benefits of dogs in the workplace
b) working through issues
c) incorporating your dog into the workplace

Guests by name and affiliation:
A)Rod Sparkowich Coastal K9 Consulting

Call In Program: yes

Host: Jon E Ford
Engineer:Amy Browne

DogTalk 11/24/11

Broadcast Time:10 am
Program Topic: Things to know before you give a pet as a present and helping your pet get through the season
Key Discussion Points:
Giving a pet as a present
What’s best for your dog during the gathering and the holiday parties.
Keeping your dog safe during the holidays.
Guests by name and affiliation:
A)Tracy Shaw director Hancock Co SPCA
B)Rod Sparkowich Coastal Canine Consulting
C)Brian Green -Green Pet Sitting
Call In Program:no pre recorded

Host: Jon e Ford
Engineer: Joel Mann

Dog Talk 10/27/11

Producer/Host: Jon E Ford
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Program Topic: People working for dogs in need
Information on the ARK Animal Shelter
The job of an animal control officer
The startup and needs of a pet pantry

Lorna Konyak Director of the ARK Animal Shelter in Cherryfield ME
Diana De Los Santos Bar Harbor Animal control Officer. Director of MDI Pet Pantry. Manager of Bark Harbor

Call In Program: yes
Political Broadcast:no

Dog Talk 3/24/11

Producer/Host: Jon E. Ford

Topic: Dog Training

What are some ways to handle a dog who won’t return? What are the limitations of a raw diet or a veggie diet for dogs? How best to handle an aggressive dog?

Deb Pallman, ME K-9 Services, Amherst, Maine
Rod Sparkowick, Coastal K-9 Consultiing, Trenton, Maine

Call in show