Healthy Options 1/1/14

Producer/Host: Cynthia Swan
Engineer: Joel Mann

Program Topic: Non-Violent Communication and Health

Key Discussion Points:
What is non-violent communication?
What is the connection between non-violent communication and health?
What is the four chairs concept and how can this technique enrich our lives?

A) Peggy Smith
B) Terry Lee Cookson, N.D., 12 George St, Augusta, ME 04330, (207) 557-2557

Healthy Options 12/4/13

Host and Producer: Rhonda Feiman, L.Ac.
Co-Producer: Petra Hall
Engineer: Amy Browne

Program Topic: Breast Cancer 101
Key Discussion Points:
What methods are currently used to detect breast cancer?
What are the questions and concerns to ask if you have an abnormal mammogram or ultrasound?
How are MRIs used in detection of cancerous cells?
What is DCIS? Is this a cancer diagnosis?
What is a biopsy and when would an individual need one?
What research is being done to find treatments and a cure for breast cancer?
What is staging and why is that important with a diagnosis of breast cancer?
How is treatment evolving to improve survival rates?

Guest: Elaine Chambers, Registered Nurse, Breast Cancer Specialist and Nurse Manager/Department Head
of the Breast and Osteoporosis Center at Eastern Maine Medical Center, Bangor, Maine

Related websites of interest:
Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation:
Breast Cancer Action:


National Breast Cancer Coalition:

Healthy Options 11/6/13

Producer/Host: Andree Bella
Engineer: Joel Mann

Issue: The interface of spirituality and healthcare

Program Topic: Interview with Joseph Pierce Farrell, author of “Manifesting Michelangelo”

Key Discussion Points:
a) What is the difference between mind-body medicine and consciousness-based health care?
b) How did you discover your ability to achieve tangible health benefits in both soft and hard tissue through the use of intention?
c) What kinds of case studies have you documented?
d) What are some of the obstacles you are facing in getting the word out about this method of healing?
e) What are the reactions of the medical doctors who have witnessed rapid wound healing?
f) How do you extend your consciousness into the body of the person seeking help?
g) Is this ability unique to you, or can others learn how to do this too?
h) What is the connection between meditation, spiritual practice and healing?
i) What are you currently working on at the Institute for Spirituality and Healthcare in Princeton, New Jersey?
j) What are the ramifications of your research? What changes in healthcare do you think we will see in the future?

Joseph Pierce Farrell, Director of the Institute of Spirituality and Healthcare

Healthy Options 9/4/13

Host and Producer: Rhonda Feiman, L.Ac.
Co-Producer: Petra Hall
Engineer: Amy Brown

Protecting Childhood and Family Relationships in the Digital Age.

Key Discussion Points:
How has the use of digital devices influenced and changed the ways family relate to each other?
How does “screen time” (i.e., being exposed to digital devices) affect brain development in infants and toddlers?
How does screen time affect the development of 4-10 year olds? Of pre-teens? Of teenagers?
How can parents regulate the time kids spend on computers and what resources exist to help parents with this issue for all age groups?
How can parents and teachers keep kids safe on the internet and how has the discussion of sex and sexuality been changed by the internet?
How, in the face of social media and digital devices, can we create healthier relationships in our families?

Guest: Dr. Catherine Steiner-Adair, author of THE BIG DISCONNECT: Protecting Childhood and Family Relationships in the Digital Age

Related websites of interest:

Healthy Options 8/7/13

Producer/Host: Andree Bella
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Issue: Integrative Health

Program Topic: ReConnective Therapy
Key Discussion Points :
a) What are the basic concepts of ReConnective Therapy?
b) What causes disconnections within the energy body and how does RCT reestablish these broken connections?
c) Does the body know how to heal itself if it has the right information? Where is that information? And how does the body access it?
d) Does the body know the order in which issues should be addressed? If so, how does this work? Why do you say, “The body always tells you what to do”?
e) What is the role does the RCT practitioner play in healing?

A) Herwig Schoen – founder of ReConnective Therapy
B) Margaret Rauenhorst – ReConnective Therapy practitioner

Healthy Options 7/3/13

Host and Producer: Cynthia Swan
Engineer: Amy Browne

Program Topic: Food: Nourishment to Nirvana

Key Discussion Points:
a) how does food take one from nourishment to Nirvana?
b) Organic, Free Range, local, sustainable, GMO’s, Oh My, what to buy?
c) How to invoke your kitchen angel
d) How does food eaten with intention invoke change in one’s life?

Meadow Linn, co-author of The Mystic Cookbook: The Secret Alchemy of Food”

Healthy Options 6/5/13

Host and Producer: Rhonda Feiman
Co-Producer: Petra Hall
Engineer: Amy Browne

Program Topic: Women’s Health
Key Discussion Points:
a) How does the National Women’s Health Network get the facts about medications and treatment protocols marketed to women?
b) What are the studies showing the long term effects of hormone replacement therapy (HRT)?
c) Why should women think twice before taking HRT?
d) How often should women have pap smears?
e) How often should women have mammograms, and what are the safety issues for mammograms?
f) Should women take calcium supplements? What are the issues with medication and bone density?
g) What sorts of questions should women ask their health care providers before taking new medications or agreeing to any procedures?

Cynthia Pearson, Executive Director of the National Women’s Health Network

Related websites of interest:
NWHN 10 minute video:
National Breast Cancer Coalition link:
Article on the origin of NWHN & the history of the feminist health movement: