Notes from the Electronic Cottage 12/8/16

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Holiday season can be lots of fun, and the Internet is becoming a great way to shop. Lots of toys these days connect to the Internet which can be lots of fun – or lots of trouble. As we peruse out choices for holiday gifts this year, especially electronic ones, it is probably wise to hold back a bit on impulse buying and think about the implications of some of the gee whiz gifts available these days.

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 12/1/16

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Two important laws that will affect out digital lives were passed this week – one in the US, quite a positive one, and one in Great Britain, not so positive. Historically, British law has often found its way into US law. This one bears watching – there’s a reason why it’s called the Snooper’s Charter.

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 11/24/16

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Have you heard of the changes to Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure due to go into effect on December 1? No? Not surprising given all the post-election blather. Here’s why we should all know about this and maybe call our Congress people to let them know what we think of the rule change.

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 11/10/16

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Tired of all the crap on the Web in this recent election season, or just in general? Wonder how to sift through it all? Try the CRAAP test – Currency, Relevancy, Authority, accuracy, Purpose. It can be a useful tool for telling the gold on the Web (or anywhere else) from the crap.

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 11/3/16

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

A self-driving tractor-trailer recently drive 120 miles with no human assistance. Volvo is testing driverless cars around the world. Driverless technology seems to be advancing at an amazing rate. But what happens when logical driverless vehicles interact with not so logical humans? Hmmm.

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 10/27/16

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Bots are in the news in a big way lately. Today, let’s take a look at two kinds – the kind that slowed the Internet down on Oct 21, 2106, and the kind that are trying to influence the 2016 presidential election.

If you like to look at the study mentioned today from the Project on Computational Propaganda, their site is at

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 10/20/16

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Advances in automotive technology are pretty amazing. But what new policies are we going to have to institute to deal with some of those advances? Let’s start to think about some of them.
And if you are interested, here is the link to the new report from the Georgetown Law Center on Privacy and Technology on the massive police facial recognition databases that contain facial recognition information for half of the adults in the United States entitled The Perpetual Line-Up: Unregulated Police Face Recognition Technology in America. Go to