Notes from the Electronic Cottage 1/3/13

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Our human tools have usually been developed to extend our senses – sight, smell, hearing, taste, touch. Computers extend our human abilities, too, but usually mental ones because computers can’t touch or taste – right? Maybe not for long. How about computers making original and very tasty recipes. Could be happening within five years, according to IBM researchers. Mmmmm!

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 12/27/12

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

We are increasingly living in a wireless world. That can be pretty convenient. It also introduces new capabilities for bad persons. Here are some things we may want to be aware of as we move through the new wireless world we find ourselves in today.

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 12/13/12

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Today, a remembrance of Ada Lovelace, who helped design the first computer back in the 1840’s, and a list of neat web sites you may want to take a look at:

Your Guide to the 2012 Science Debates

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 12/6/12

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Let’s do some catch up with recent developments of topics we’ve looked at recently: Pentagon directives on killing using robots and drones; a Supreme Court ruling regarding the freedom to videotape police in public places; an update on the “six strikes” process that ISPs will be using when a customer supposedly shares copyrighted materials without authorization; and, for the holiday season, an E-Book Privacy Chart, courtesy of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, to help us understand what kind of information about us and our reading habits e-book readers and books collect. You can find it at

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 11/29/12

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Robots are no longer science fiction imaginings. While killer drones are still controlled by human beings, autonomous killer robots that can make their own decisions about when and where to fire are under development. Should we develop such robots? If so, under what ethical and legal principles will they work. These are big questions, and questions that many say we should try to decide before the fact, not after. Alas, we don’t have a very good record in that department.

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 11/22/12

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

On this day to be thankful, let’s look at some of the things that the web has brought us that we can be grateful for, one of which is the emerging phenomenon of MOOCs – Massive Open Online Courses. If you’d like to see some of what is available for free in this fast-growing MOOC world, take a peek at

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 11/15/12

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Been hearing a lot about The Cloud lately – as in cloud computing? Wondering what what the heck The Cloud means? Here’s a quick review along with a few things to cogitate on if you are thinking of moving your digital life to The Cloud.