Producer/Host: Jim Campbell
Passwords are part of daily online life. So is passwords getting hacked. Here are some ways to make it more difficult for hackers to get at your passwords.
Category: Notes From The Electronic Cottage
A weekly feature on electronic technology as it affects everyday life with Jim Campbell. Broadcast on WERU 89.9 FM Blue Hill, ME every Thursday at 7:30 AM.
Notes from the Electronic Cottage 8/29/12
Producer/Host: Jim Campbell
Do you use the web? Do you use passwords to access banking or credit card accounts, or buy stuff from Amazon, or have a Facebook or Twitter account? Do you spend a lot of time trying to devise a secure password? If the answer to the first two questions is yes, whatever the answer to the third question, best listen up. We’re dealing with a whole new world of password insecurity these days, and if one of yours happens to get cracked, your digital life could take a big dive.
Notes from the Electronic Cottage 8/23/12
Producer/Host: Jim Campbell
We’ve heard lots about what use of the Internet may be doing to our social lives, our political lives, our family lives, and out physical health as we sit in front of digital devices of one sort or another. But what about its effect on our brains? A recent book claims there is one, and that is food for thought as this edition from the Electronic Cottage archives that deserves another listen indicates.
Notes from the Electronic Cottage 8/16/12
Producer/Host: Jim Campbell
The Dog Days of August are upon us but things are still happening in the electronic realm. Here are a few involving Facebook, the TSA, and a new technology that may allow us to charge our electronic devices as we walk around.
Notes from the Electronic Cottage 7/16/12
Producer/Host: Jim Campbell
Cell phones and smart phones are terrifically convenient but they also contain a lot of information about where we’ve been, where we are now, and, maybe, where we’ll be in the future. Lots of people would like to grab that information, and lots of it is being grabbed right now.
Notes from the Electronic Cottage 7/12/12
Producer/Host: Jim Campbell
In this edition from the Electronic Cottage Archives, we think about some of the wonders – and some of the worries – of the increasingly wireless world we find ourselves increasingly living in.
Notes from the Electronic Cottage 7/5/12
Producer/Host: Jim Campbell
Got a digital camera? Join the club. Don’t know how to use all its features? Join the club. Here’s at least a start toward mastering your camera on this edition from the Electronic Cottage archives you may have missed.
For a fun way to see how using different settings can affect your pictures, take a peek at
Notes from the Electronic Cottage 6/28/12
Producer/Host: Jim Campbell
It’s summer in Maine and so for those who are visiting, here’s a chance to hear an episode of the Electronic Cottage you probably haven’t heard before from the Electronic Cottage archives. For those already here, it’s a chance to re-hear or maybe hear one you missed first time around. This one is about the rapid development of facial recognition technology.