Producer/Host: Jim Campbell
It’s been a big week in the world of information technology what with big new product announcements from Apple and Microsoft, and a 10 million dollar mea culpa from Facebook. But there have been some other announcements, too, and those are pretty concerning for those of us who live partly in cyberspace and go about important parts of our lives there. Listen up.
Category: Notes From The Electronic Cottage
A weekly feature on electronic technology as it affects everyday life with Jim Campbell. Broadcast on WERU 89.9 FM Blue Hill, ME every Thursday at 7:30 AM.
Notes from the Electronic Cottage 6/14/12
Producer/Host: Jim Campbell
The installation of “smart meters” is almost complete in Maine but the controversy over them isn’t. Time for a quick review and look at the latest developments.
Notes from the Electronic Cottage 6/7/12
Producer/Host: Jim Campbell
The news of drone attacks that seem to occur weekly in places thousands of miles from our shores bring up questions about how technology is changing the definition of war, and even of what it means to be a warrior. An 1984 movie seemed to presage our current world of video game warfare – but the movie was fantasy, but these days people actually die. How should we think about the technology of war in our world today?
Notes from the Electronic Cottage 5/31/12
Think Internet Explorer and Safari are the only web browsers in the world or that Google and Bing are the only search engines? Think again. The world is changing, especially on mobile devices. Here’s why…
Sites mentioned in this program:
Notes from the Electronic Cottage 5/24/12
Producer/Host: Jim Campbell
Technology is moving fast and we find ourselves, sometimes literally, more enmeshed with our technology than ever before. Will our increasing interaction with machines change what it means to be human? Not an easy question to answer, but more and more, an important one to ask.
Notes from the Electronic Cottage 5/17/12
Producer/Host: Jim Campbell
The FCC is asking for comments on whether and/or under what circumstances government agencies should be able to shut down cellphone service to protect public safety. That’s a big question. Here’s some context. If you’d like to make a comment, you can do so at by May 30, 2012. You can read the comments already made there by others as well.
Notes from the Electronic Cottage 5/10/12
Producer/Host: Jim Campbell
The world of technology just keeps on keepin’ on. Today, let’s catch up on some developments relating to TV, cars, and cell phones, at least one of which almost all of us use.
Notes from the Electronic Cottage 5/3/12
Producer/Host: Jim Campbell
Well, May 1-7, 2012 is Choose Privacy Week so in its honor, let’s take a look at some developments in the digital realm that could affect privacy in both the digital and physical realms.