Notes from the Electronic Cottage 12/14/11

In this edition, we update a couple of topics we’ve looked at recently – the proposed Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), an alternative to SOPA which troubles many in this country and aboard; and a reminder that our privacy laws are reducing the competitiveness of U.S. companies trying to do business in countries worried about ubiquitous U.S. surveillance of personal information.

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 12/8/11

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Humans love to make predictions – about the weather, about the stock market, and, in the digital age of data collection and data mining, about who is likely to “get into trouble” and who is not. Good idea? Maybe – but maybe not. Here’s why…

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 12/1/11

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Think the Internet will always be the global information source that allows anyone anywhere to access whatever information he or she wants? Think again -especially if Congress passes two bills it is considering at the moment.
Here’s why…

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 11/24/11

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

With the noble intent of reducing the unauthorized sale and distribution of U.S. owners of intellectual property, two bills now in Congress could change the Internet as we know it (while bringing tortured acronyms to a new nadir). Here’s why.

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 11/3/11

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Steve Jobs passing occasioned a number of speculations about the names of technology companies, and about the credit, or lack of credit, due to those who make the success of folks like Steve Jobs possible.