Notes from the Electronic Cottage 12/18/08

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Technology is moving very fast, and promises to change important parts of our lives in the not too distant future. IBM has recently described five technologies that will change our lives within five years. Here’s a peek at several and their implications for our daily lives – both good and perhaps not so good.

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 12/04/08

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

What with the financial meltdown, diminishing election euphoria, and tumult the world round, it’s difficult to keep up on matters electronic, so today we do a bit of catch up looking at new applications of GPS and RFID technology – maybe to our benefit, maybe not.

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 11/27/08

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Today¹s program is all about audio books. You can find lots of books and links at and at, and we discuss these sites today. Here are a few others worth a look.
Audio books for free
Free books on mp3
Literal Systems
Free Classic Audio Books

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 11/20/08

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

As you go about your daily business, do you find the merchants you deal with asking nonchalantly for your phone number or if you’d kindly sign on the electronic line in stead of a paper one? You don’t have to provide more information about yourself than the law requires, and it’s probably a good idea not to in this data mining digital age.

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 11/13/08

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

On this program, we’ve often looked at technologies which have the potential to impinge on the liberty and privacy of individuals. To see what a world might look like in which a combination of technologies, all of which are available today, are deployed by the state – in the name of combating terrorism, of course – check out “The Last Enemy,” a program set in the London of the very near future. It depicts what it might be like to live in such a world in a way no science report ever could.

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 10/30/08

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Robots have long been the stuff of science fiction but they are fast becoming parts of our everyday life. While we may be preparing for the presence of robots in a technological sense, we seem less prepared to deal with the moral and legal questions that autonomous robots will bring to our society and legal system. Here’s why…

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 10/23/08

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Interested in college level learning but don’t have the time or the financial wherewithal to sign up for a course at a college or university?  The web might have just what you need – college level course materials, textbooks and journal articles, and even software to take notes and do assignments – and all of it is free.   Here are some places to begin or advance your education at your own pace in your own home.