Notes from the Electronic Cottage 11/15/07

Producer/host: Jim Campbell

Today, a look at some handy websites to help us pronounce some of those tricky words in English and find info on people – for better or worse. And, of course, a reminder to dig deep and send a contribution to community radio WERU to help keep the station – and the Electronic Cottage – on the air and on the web.

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 11/08/07

Producer/host: Jim Campbell

Do you feel a little nervous about the electronic trail you leave behind when you surf the Internet? If not, you should. Companies and government organizations are eager to form profiles of your interests and tastes based on your surfing habits. Happily, there are some simple things you can do to make their work a lot harder and to keep your business to yourself. Here are a few.

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 11/01/07

Producer/host: Jim Campbell

Topic:  Not so long ago, net neutrality was a big issue in Congress but then it seemed to fade from the scene. Now, after a series of gaffes by big telecommunications companies, it seems like the issue is rising from the ashes once more. What is net neutrality and what might it – or its absence -mean to Internet users? That’s the question we consider today.

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 10/18/07

Producer/host: Jim Campbell

Topic: Today, let’s check up on a few recent technological developments that will affect our lives in both cyberspace and physical space, ranging from new Onstar technology that can override your control of the engine in your car to new microwave weapons that can humanely fry people. Technology is great, technology is dangerous – take your pick.

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 10/4/07

Producer/host: Jim Campbell

Got an analog TV that gets your television programs from rabbit ears or an antenna ? If so, you’ve got a problem. Starting February 17, 2009, there won’t be any more analog broadcast signals. The bad news: If you want to keep watching TV on your analog set, you’ll have to get a digital-to-analog converter. The good news: the government will help. Here’s the story.

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 9/27/07

Producer/host: Jim Campbell

We move in a world of bits and bytes every day and take that for granted.  But just what is a bit and what is a byte and what do they mean to our electronic lives? As part of our “No Listener Left Behind” initiative, today we take a step back to examine these omnipresent bits and bytes so that we all know what the terms mean and how they work in our increasingly electronic world.

Notes from the Electronic Cottage 9/20/07

Producer/host: Jim Campbell

Think censorship is a thing of the past? Alas, it is alive and well around the world and right here in the U.S. in both the physical and electronic realms. Check out Banned Books Week at the American Library Association web site and the state of Internet censorship worldwide at

Eye-opening experiences both.