Program from our Sister Station Radio Sumpul in Guarjila, Chalatenango, El Salvador
Category: RadioSumpul/ElSalvador
Program from Radio Sumpul: Entrevista Pesera Iris
Program from our Sister Station Radio Sumpul, in Guarjila, Chalatenango, El Salvador
Program from Radio Sumpul: Entrevista Presidente Santiago
Program from our Sister Station, Radio Sumpul, in Guarjila, Chalatenango, El Salvad
Program from Radio Sumpul: Se Realiza Reunion De Lideres AnaAna
Program from our Sister Station, Radio Sumpul, in Guarjila, Chalatenango, El Salvador
Program from Radio Sumpul: Celebracion del Dia de La Mujer Rosa
Programming from our Sister Station Radio Sumpul in Guarjila, Chalatenango, El Salvador
From Radio Sumpul: Conmemoran Masacre Ignacio Rosibel
Programming from our Sister Station, Radio Sumpul, in Guarjila, Chalatenango, El Salvador
Radio Sumpul Sister Station Report 4/27/07
Producer/host: Carolyn Coe
Student organizer speaking at SOA
Voices 4/24/07
Producer/host: Amy Browne
Contributor: Meredith DeFrancesco
Topic: Interviews with photographer Jason Andrew Crain about his photographs documenting the resistance to mining in El Salvador, and with Willie Marquart about the MOFGA(Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association)/El Salvador sistering committee. Both also talk about the Empty Bowl Supper, a fund-raiser for the committee, which will be taking place in Belfast at the UU Church, Saturday April 28th at 6p.m.
For more information about the Empty Bowl Supper, call 667-9212 or 338-0142
For more information about the MOFGA/El Salvador sistering committee and their projects: