Renewable Radio 8/03/07

Producer/host: Dave Evans

Topic: “No topic, it’s a ‘Soapbox’ version”

Call in show.  Some of the issues raised:  How do flat-plate water heaters compare to tube heaters?  What workshops and information does the Maine Solar Energy Association offer?  What can listeners do to express their opinion about the Dominichi amendment to the energy bill?

Renewable Radio 6/01/07

Producer/host: Dave Evans

Guest: Guy Marsden of Woolwich. Guy makes art, furniture, electronics, and much more. His articles have appeared in Home Power magazine. Today he answers questions about solar heat, solar power and a solar-powered lawn mower.

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Renewable Radio 5/4/07

Producer/host: Dave Evans with Guest Co-host Jonathan Fulford

Topic: Green Renovation
What are the most important changes to make to a house for energy efficiency? How do I eliminate mold? How do I insulate an old building with asbestos siding?

Guest: Alan Gibson

Renewable Radio 4/6/07

Producer/host: Dave Evans

Topic: Green Electricity Suppliers, Green tags and carbon offsets:  How do I get green electricity at home?  Is green electricity really green?  How do I dispose of fluorescent bulbs that contain mercury and may contain radioactive material?

Guest: Harry Brown, Executive Director, Maine Interfaith Power and Light (

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Renewable Radio 3/2/07

Producer/host: Dave Evans

Topic: Small-scale wind-electric generators

Guests: Joan McMurray, homeowner; Kevin Grindle, homeowner, homebuilt generator; Bill Huntington, Hope Spinnery

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Renewable Radio 2/02/07

Producer/host: Dave Evans

Topic: Soil as a renewable resource: What is in soil that plants need to grow? How do I prepare forest soil for fruit trees? Are organic fungicides better for fruit trees than conventional fungicides?

Guest: Mark Fulford, Teltane Farm and Nursery

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