Talk of the Towns 9/28/12

Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Engineer: Amy Browne

Issue: Community concerns and opportunities
Program Topic: Friends of Acadia and Youth Engagement
Discussion Points:

1. For David… you have been at the helm for just a few months… and I presume you thought about both the organization and what you might contribute prior to your job interview… what would you like to share about that thought process?
2. What is current work of FOA and what factors drive that focus? (visitor use management, Schoodic, etc)
3. What is the connection between the work of FOA and local communities in the region… Night Sky Festival, village connector trails, support for Island Explorer
4. Possible phone interview with Sheridan Steele (dual mission of Acadia (protect natural resources and provide for positive visitor experience… collaboration with FOA in general and interest in youth engagement and creation of technology team)
5. A current focus for the Superintendent, along with many other priorities, is to engage young people… how has FOA supported youth involvement over the years and what lead to the development of Acadia Youth Technology Team… overview of its projects and accomplishments?
6. What are the long term threats and opportunities for Acadia, and how do you imagine FOA playing a role?
7. How do you work with Acadia to set priorities… is that a balancing act, given that FOA is a private, not for profit, with a board of directors, and Acadia is part of the Department of the Interior?
8. What is your favorite Acadia National Park experience, and how does FOA help assure that people continue to have those sorts of opportunities in the future?

Guests by name and affiliation:
A) David MacDonald, President, Friends of Acadia
B) Stephanie Clement, Friends of Acadia
C) Ardrianna McLane, Acadia National Park
D) Sheridan Steele, Superintendent, Acadia National Park 288 8700

Call In Program: Yes

Talk of the Towns 9/14/12

Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Engineer: Joel Mann
Issue: Community concerns and opportunities
Program Topic: The International Appalachian Trail—Maine to Morocco
Key Discussion Points (list at least 3):
a) What was Benton Mackaye’s concept of for the Appalachian Trail… how was it developed? Other highlights from the history of the AT, especially in Maine
b) What led to the creation of the International Appalachian Trail linking Canada, to the Gaspe? What was involved and what is the status of that trail now?
c) What inspired extension of the IAT to Europe and how is that linked to geologic time and Pangea?
d) What countries are involved now and what range of approaches are being demonstrated? (Link to Benton McKaye’s notion of a trail that is an engine for economic development)
e)What has been your experience as you have visited other countries to introduce the concept… what has been the response?
f) How is the governance of IAT set up … what are “chapters” responsible for?
g) What were the outcomes of the recent Annual General Meeting of chapters, in Iceland?
h) What are the key elements of future planning/establishment of IAT?
g) Specific questions for Inga: Describe the culture of trails and hiking (or hill walking) in Ireland… what ranges of hiking experiences are there (day hikes vs longer distances)
How is Ireland approaching the International Appalachian Trail and what has been the response so far? What are your future plans/projects you are working on now?
i)Specific questions for Julia: What inspired you to get involved… connection to your role as a professor of geology… IAT Chapter member? How are UM Farmington students involved (field trip/service project for UMF students for the region east of Baxter, results of Spring 2012 pilot project)
j)What inspires you about the International Appalachian Trail and what are your hopes for its future?

A) Dick Anderson, Founder, IAT Maine Chapter member
B)Don Hudson, IAT Maine Chapter President
C)Inga Bock, IAT Ireland Chapter — 011-353-404-45135
D)Julia Daley Professor, UMaine Farmington (778-7403)
E)Walter Anderson, IAT Maine Chapter, former State Geologist

Call In Program: Yes

Talk of the Towns 8/10/12

Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Engineer: Amy Browne
Issue: Community concerns and opportunities
Program Topic: Sustainable Harvest International—agroforestry education with small farmers in central America
Key Discussion Points (list at least 3):
a) Remind us of the mission of Sustainable Harvest International and where your work is focused
b)What led you to found Sustainable Harvest International?
c)What is the current “context” for your work in Central America… what is the economic, political, social and environmental backdrop?
d)How did you evolve the way that you work with local farmers and communities? (five phase approach) Share some stories that illustrate your way of working… (field trainers, families… tree planting and family-scale agriculture… community building)
e)You recently completed a tour of some of your partnerships in Panama and Honduras… what was your experience… paint some pictures for listeners
f)You are celebrating 15 years… what has that journey been like? What were some of the valleys and plateaus as you look back?
g)How has support for this work evolved?… your budget is $1.5 million… where does it come from, where does it go? What role does your board play in generating support?
h)SHI and you have been recognized for your work (2012 Sargent Shriver Award for Distinguished Humanitarian Service by the National Peace Corps Association, and you were named a Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow by the Council of Independent Colleges, in Washington, also high marks from Charity Navigators)… first, congratulations on this recognition, and how is this helping you tell the story, make the case for support, open new doors?
i)SHI has a full evening celebration of its first 15 years… Bill McKibben and Emma’s Revolution at College of the Atlantic on Sunday, August 19… tell us more about that and how listeners can get tickets… any preview of what Bill McKibben will be sharing?
j) What is the seed that you want to plant with listeners today, about their connection to farmers in rural central America, indeed with local farmers around the world?
k)What are your hopes for the next fifteen years… any particular initiatives you are considering? How can listeners learn more?

A) Florence Reed, Sustainable Harvest International
B) Jack Russell, MDI, Board Member
C) Demetrio, Farmer, Panama (on phone, Flo translating from Spanish)
D) Sarah Clemens, Sustainable Harvest International

Call In Program: Yes

Talk of the Towns 8/24/12

Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Engineer: Amy Browne
Issue: Community concerns and opportunities
Program Topic: Lobster and the Business of Lobstering
Key Discussion Points:
a) What is the “usual” market for lobster in Maine… what paths do Maine-caught lobster follow from the lobster boat to the plate?
b)What is the “usual” season for lobsters… what is the difference between hard-shell and soft-shell or shedders? What happened differently this year, to both the lobsters and to the market
c)A recent interview on Maine Public Broadcasting by Jennifer Mitchell with Patrice MaCarron, of the Maine Lobsterman’s Association, talked about a three-pronged approach to improving the business model for lobsters: developing more processing capacity in Maine, developing new products that consumers respond to, and building overall demand for both fresh and processed lobster through improved marketing.
d)What are your thoughts on this approach? What is missing?
e) Specifically For Walter Kumiega: What are your constituents telling you about their experience this summer? What are the policy implications, and where would you like to see further discussion leading to solutions?
f)What other lessons should we be mindful of from this summer and recent years?
g)What about diversification for individual fishermen… so all their “eggs” aren’t in the lobster basket? Support through TAA for business planning?
h)Your hopes and what you want to work on for the future?

Guests by name and affiliation:
A) Cathy Billings, Lobster Institute, University of Maine
B)Shelia Dasset, Downeast Lobsterman’s Association
C)Rep. Walter Kumiega, Marine Resources Committee

Call In Program: Yes

Talk of the Towns 7/27/12

Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Engineer: Amy Browne
Issue: Public investment in health research
Program Topic: Maine Research Collaboration to Prevent Kidney Disease

•How do kidneys function, why are they important to every day and long-term health? What happens to kidneys and their owners when they have kidney disease? What are the various contributors to kidney disease (genetic, human behavior, environmental factors)? How is kidney disease treated, and what are the costs (quality of life, economic)?
•What reminders do we need about the scientific method, the research process? What is the history of using mice and zebrafish at Jackson Lab and MDI Biological Lab, as substitutes for humans in the research into diseases like cancer, kidney disease?
•What are genes and how do they influence human health? What do we know about genes and kidney function… and how do we know (research on humans, research on mice as “substitutes” for humans?)
•What led to use of zebrafish in this research, and what advantages does this approach have over others?
•We hear about collaboration in many fields today… what brought about the collaboration that is intended in the present partnership (reMaine Healthy) that includes MDI BL, Jackson Laboratory, and Maine Medical Center and its Research Institute? What do you hope to achieve together that you couldn’t achieve on your own
•Phone Interview with Kim O’Brien
oHow has kidney disease impacted your family? Where do you turn for information andadvice? What have you learned so far? How might projects like this help you and other families?
•Where do you hope this collaboration will lead in the future? How can listeners learn more?

Jen Litteral, Mount Desert Island Biological Lab
Dr. Hermann Haller, Mount Desert Island Biological Lab
Dr. Ron Korstanje, Jackson Laboratory
Dr. Mark Parker, Maine Medical Center
Kim O’Brien, Mount Desert Island YMCA, parent

Call In Program: Yes

Talk of the Towns 7/13/12

Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Engineer: Amy Browne
Issue: Native American involvement in protecting key natural resource
Program Topic: Wabnaki Basket Making and Maine’s Brown Ash Trees
Key Discussion Points:
·What is the historical significance of baskets and basket making in Wabnaki Culture?
·What were early interactions between Wabnaki people and European settlers and how did baskets figure into later economic and cultural relationships in the 20th Century?
·Tell the story of the Maine Indian Basketmakers Alliance and the role it is playing to celebrate and support basketmaking as part of today’s Wabnaki culture and economy.
·Brown Ash trees provide the primary material for basketmaking. How are individual trees selected? Describe the process of creating basket-making material.
·What is the status of Brown Ash trees in Maine? Difference from White and other ash?
·What is the threat from an insect called the Emerald Ash Borer … what do we know about the insect, its life cycle and it’s likely / potential impact on Maine’s brown ash resources?
·How does the emerald ash borer “move” and expand its range from Michigan, New York and Quebec? What environmental factors are behind its spread?
·What are the goals of the Sustainability Solutions Initiative project on Brown Ash and how is your team and partners approaching the work?
·What are some of the ways to limit the spread of the Emerald Ash Borer in to Maine?
·What is needed in the way of education?
·What policies are in place and what more is needed to limit the spread of ash borer?
·What additional research is needed into the problem?
·Are Wabanaki people exploring alternative resources, or thinking of ways to stockpile brown ash in any way to soften the potential impact of emerald ash borers?
·What most excites you about this project, and do you find hope in working as part of a larger collaboration?
·What would you hope a young Wabnaki basketmaker in 2030 would say about your work today?

Darren Ranco, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Coordinator of Native American Research University of Maine
Coleen Teerling, Maine Forest Service
Butch Jacobs, Maine Indian Basketmakers Alliance

Call In Program: Yes

Talk of the Towns 6/22/12

Host: Natalie Springuel, University of Maine Sea Grant and Cooperative Extension
Engineer: Amy Browne
Issue: Community concerns and opportunities
Program Topic: Fisheries Heritage and Downeast Fisheries Trail
Key Discussion Points:
a) What are some of the most significant changes you have seen in your lifetime or before in our fisheries? For example: salmon, lobster, herring, cod, alewives, clams etc…
b)Why should we care about these changes? What has been the impact of these changes on our communities?
c)Why should visitors care about fisheries heritage?
d)Tell us a little bit more about the Downeast Fisheries Trail, what are some of the sites on the Trail, what fisheries do they highlight (past and present) and why?
e)What do you expect will be some of the tangible and intangible benefits of the DFT for communities? For fishermen and their families? For visitors?
f) Where can listeners learn more about your organizations and about the Downeast Fisheries Trail?
o (and on Facebook)

A) Dwayne Shaw, Downeast Salmon Federation
B)Cathy Billlings, Lobster Institute
C)Senator Dennis Damon, Trenton Maine

Call In Program: Yes

Talk of the Towns 6/8/12

Host: Paul Anderson, University of Maine Sea Grant
Engineer: Joel Mann

Issue: Marine resources development
Program Topic: Sea Weed Aquaculture

Key Discussion Points (list at least 3):
a) History of Ocean Approved, Inc. producing cultured sea weed food products
b)Seaweed Aquaculture – process, species, research and development
c)Seaweed Products and market opportunities
d)What is Integrated Multi-trophic Aquaculture – defined and developments
e) What are Potential User Conflicts and integration with commercial fishing
f) How does seaweed aquaculture fit into Maine’s Seafood industry in general

A) Sarah Redmond, Maine Sea Grant and Cooperative Extension
B) Dana Morse, Maine Sea Grant and Cooperative Extension
C) Shepp Erhardt, Maine Coast Sea Vegetables
D) Tolef Olsen, Ocean Approved, Inc. (by telephone)

Call In Program: Yes