Talk of the Towns 6/24/11

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Topic: Coastal Water Quality for Shellfish and People
Guests: Joe Porada, Chair, Frenchman Bay Regional Shellfish Committee
Senator Lois Snow-Mello, Chair, Marine Resources Committee, Linda Mercer (or other), Department of Marine Resources, Keri Lindberg, Coordinator, Maine Healthy Beaches Program, UMaine Cooperative Extension and Maine Sea Grant

Talk of the Towns 5/27/11

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne
Featuring segments produced by Brooke Welty for The Kindness Project

Topic: The Kindness Project

Guests: Brooke Welty, College of the Atlantic; Jonathan Appleyard, Rector, St Saviour’s Episcopal Parish, Bar Harbor

Talk of the Towns 4/29/11

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Studio Engineer: Joel Mann

Topic: Preventing Cyber Bullying

Kelly Mitchell, Education Coordinator, Downeast Health Services; Students, Sumner High School, Sullivan; Kristy Ouellette, University of Maine Cooperative Extension, 4-H Youth and Family Development

Talk of the Towns 3/25/11

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Studio Engineer: Joel Mann

Topic: A local food ordinance for the Blue Hill Peninsula and beyond?

What is the actual proposal and how would it work?
What do you imagine the outcome will be, for producers, growers, the local community, after a town adopts the ordinance?
If the local food ordinance passes, how would you advise producers and consumers to attend to concerns about food safety?


Heather Retberg, Quill’s End Farm, Blue Hill
Ruth Sullivan, Halcyon Grange
Cullin Schneider, Blue Hill Peninsula Chamber of Commerce
Jason Bolton, Food Safety Educator,
University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Hal Prince, Director , Division of Quality Assurance & Regulations, Maine Dept. of Agriculture, Food & Rural Resources
Walter Kumiega, Representative, District