Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Studio Engineer: Joel Mann
Topic: Maine School of Science and Mathematics
Guests: Staff and students
Call in show
WERU 89.9 FM Blue Hill, Maine Local News and Public Affairs Archives
Audio archives of spoken word broadcasts from Community Radio WERU 89.9 FM Blue Hill (
Live & local call-in on civic issues. Happens on the third Friday of every month from 10 – 11 AM.
Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Studio Engineer: Joel Mann
Topic: Maine School of Science and Mathematics
Guests: Staff and students
Call in show
Producer/Host: Ron Beard
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne
Featuring audio clips produced by: Meghan Vigeant, Island Fellow
Topic: Swans Island: Recovering Our Legacy
How did the Swans Island Memory Project come about? Who was involved? What are the key components of the project?
Guests: Meghan Vigeant, Island Fellow; Sonny Sprague; Donna Weigle
Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne
Topic: Looking Ahead: Municipal concerns for Maine’s Legislative Agenda
What is the Maine Municipal Association (MMA)’s history and its role in creating a legislative agenda with the help of its Legislative Policy Committee? Given the make up of this legislature and the election of Governor LePage, what do you see as your most important opportunities and challenges over the next two years? In general, what strategies have proven effective in helping legislators understand municipal concerns? What are your hopes for the relationship between municipal and state government, in this session and going forward?
Geoff Herman, Director of State and Federal Relations, Maine Municipal Association; Michelle Beal, City Manager, Ellsworth;
Gary Fortier, Ellsworth City Council Member; Jim Schatz, Selectman, Town of Blue Hill
Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne
Topic: Recruiting and Retaining Volunteer Firefighters
What are the key requirements for being a firefighter in small towns in Maine in 21st century? What are you looking for as you recruit? How can citizens can get involved in your efforts to educate, prevent and fight fires and contribute to public safety? (what are the options for volunteering?) Describe the ongoing training required of current volunteer firefighters? What are the trends you have observed and where is it all leading? What do you want citizens and tax payers most to know about the work of your fire departments?
Mike Bender, Fire Chief, Mount Desert, Maine; Dave Rand, Fire Chief, Bar Harbor, Maine; Dennis Robertson, Fire Chief, Blue Hill, Maine
Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne
Topic: Celebrating Local History
When did people start keeping track of local history and what forms did that take? What are some trends with local historical societies and museums? How do they make materials available and engage the community?
Tim Garritty, Director, Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Cinnamon Catlin-Legutko, Abbe Museum
Bill Horner, Local Amateur Historian
Larissa Vigue Picard, Maine Historical Society
Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension and Sea Grant
Topic: Protection for Working Waterfronts
What is “working waterfront” and why is it important? What are the threats to Maine’s working waterfront? What is being done to protect them?
Guests: Jen Litteral, Policy Directory, Island Institute; Natalie Springuel, University of Maine Sea Grant; Gerry Cushman, President, Port Clyde Fisherman’s Co-op; Nick Battista, Congressman Pingree’s Office staff
Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne
Topic: Community Science: Schoodic Education and Research Center links researchers, school teachers and students
Michael Soukup, Director, Schoodic Education and Research Center; Sarah Nelson, Water Research Institute, University of Maine; Ed Lindsey, Science Teacher, Old Town High School; James Townsend and Rachel Callaway, Students, Old Town High School
Call in show
Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne
Topic: Clean Elections: What has Maine learned over its ten year history??
Guests: Ann Luther, Co-Chair, Maine Citizens for Clean Elections; Anne Perry, State Representative, District 31, Calais; John Brautigam, legal counsel, ME Citizens for Clean Elections; Hannah Pingree, Speaker of the House, Maine House of Representatives
How does Maine’s “Clean Elections” law work? What factors led to the law? What have been its impacts?