Talk of the Towns 9/24/10

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension

Topic: Maine’s Invasive Species
In general, what are invasive species? When did we begin to take notice of them?
How do they find their way here, and why do they persist?
What are the broad implications of the various invasive species for Maine or other locales?

Lois Berg Stack, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Ellie Groden, University of Maine Professor of Entomology
Roberta Hill, Maine Volunteer Lakes Monitoring Program

Talk of the Towns 8/27/10

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension

Studio Engineer:  Joel Mann

Topic:  Slow Money, Local communities


Bonnie Rukin, Coordinator, Slow Money Maine, Camden

Marada Cook, Crown of Maine Organic Cooperative, Vassalboro

Gray Harris, Director of Agricultural Resources and Program Development at CEI (Coastal Enterprises Inc.), Wiscasset

Aaron Bell from Tide Mill Farm, Edmunds, Washington County

Talk of the Towns 8/13/10

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension

Studio Engineer:  Amy Browne

Topic: Making Housing More Affordable in Hancock County


Tom Martin, Hancock County Planning Commission

Chris Spruce, Island Housing Trust, Mount Desert Island

Jimmy Goodson, Habitat for Humanity

Talk of the Towns 6/25/10

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension

Topic: Developing Environmental Literacy for Maine
Guests: Kara Wooldrick, Director of Education, Maine Audubon; Kevin Doran, Maine Department of Conservation; Anita Bernhardt, Maine Department of Education; Linda Woodard, Maine Environmental Educational Association

Talk of the Towns 6/11/10

Producer/Host: Natalie Springuel, University of Maine Sea Grant College Program

Studio Engineer: Joel Mann

Topic:  Sustainable business program at College of the Atlantic


Jay Friedlander, Professor of Green and Sustainable Business

Katharine Macko, Sustainable Business Program Administrator

COA hatchery students

Talk of the Towns 5/14/10

Producer/Host: Ron Beard

Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Topic:  Maine Connections to Haiti
What has been your experience in Haiti?  How do you tell your friends and colleagues so they will understand better the situation there… history, culture, current condition?  What did you see on your most recent trip?  How are people of Haiti coping with the aftermath of the earthquake?

Guests:  Linda Robinson, Nurse Midwife, Women’s Health Center, Bar Harbor;  Carol Kuhn, Physician, Seaport Family Practice, Belfast; Liz Durham, Physical Therapist, Belfast