Talk of the Towns 4/23/10

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension

Topic: Resiliency as a strategy to combat underage drinking and substance abuse
Guests: David Savage, Hannah Boyce, Abby Jewett, Robert Colson students at MDI High School, engaged in service learning work, Jessica Naylor, Substance Abuse Counselor, Open Door, Ed Oechslie, Executive Director, Acadia Family Center and MDI Drug and Alcohol Group

Talk of the Towns 4/09/10

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension

Studio Engineer: Joel Mann

Topic: School Supported Agriculture
Sue Deblieck, Farm to School Coordinator for Healthy Acadia,  
Scott McFarland, Principal and Linda Mailhot, Cook, at Mount Desert Elementary School
Charlotte Young, Shalom Orchard Organic Farm and Winery in Franklin

Talk of the Towns 3/26/10

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension

Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Topic: Teen choices and challenges—how do we support them?
There are many choices that teens face, some of which have consequences for physical and mental health… what are some of those choices, and how do adults—parents and other family members, teachers, coaches and others help frame the choices and encourage teens to make healthy choices?
One of the big fears that adults have for teens has to do with substances that are addictive and behaviors that have dangerous consequences—smoking, binge drinking, drugs, unprotected sex, driving while under the influence.  What are the ways you have found effective to help teens understand the consequences, helping them to make good decisions?
What can adults do to better support teens with these choices and passages?
What can teens do to support each other with these choices and passages?
Guests: Don Ficker and Tony Beal, Jonesport-Beals High School; Milja Brecher-Demuro, Healthy Acadia; Barb Ames, Youth Program Coordinator, Bucksport Parks and Recreation; Terra Ashworth, Jazz Maddocks, Scott O’Donnell and Katie Bridges, students from Bucksport.

Talk of the Towns 3/12/10

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension

Studio Engineer: Joel Mann

Topic: Restorative Justice and Rentry – New Ways to Respond to Crime
Guests: Margaret Micolichek – Restorative Justice Project of the Midcoast
What is the history of crime and punishment in the US?  What are the underlying beliefs that support these approaches?
What are the signs that our overall approaches to crime and punishment are not working—as a deterrent to future crime and/or reconnecting people with social support to live productive lives?
How did the restorative justice movement come about?   What are its underlying beliefs?
When did Restorative Justice in the Mid-Coast get started?
How are you organized?

FMI:,, 207-338-2742

Talk of the Towns 2/26/10

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension

Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Topic: Producing, Fishing and Buying Local: What are the benefits to local communities?
Guests: Aaron Dority, Penobscot East Resource Center; Bob St. Peter, Food for Maine’s Future; Will Hopkins, Cobscook Bay Resource Center; David Bright, MOO Milk

Talk of the Towns 2/12/10

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension

Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Topic: Reflections After Copenhagen: Next Steps for Climate Negotiations

Attendees at Climate Summit from College of the Atlantic:
Doreen Stabinski, Faculty member Global Environmental Politics
Lindsay Britton
Matt Maiorana
Noah Hodgetts

Talk of the Towns 1/22/10

Guest host: Natalie Springuel, University of Maine Sea Grant

Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Topic: Aquaculture on the Maine Coast

Dana Morse, University of Maine Sea Grant (207-563-3146 x205 or
Adam Campbell, North Haven Oyster Company and commercial fisherman (
Sebastian Belle, Maine Aquaculture Association (207-867-4453, North Haven, Maine)

Talk of the Towns 1/8/10

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension

Topic: Community Meals: Building Food Security and Connections

Guests: Hadley Friedman, The Simmering Pot, Blue Hill;  Larry Stettner, Common Good Soup Kitchen, Southwest Harbor; Frank Donnelly, Everybody Eats, Ellsworth