Talk of the Towns 11/13/09

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Topic: Maine’s Off-Shore Wind Demonstration Sites
Why is Maine looking at offshore wind? What do we need to know in order to benefit from development of off shore wind? Why is the state proposing wind demonstration sites in Maine waters, and what would happen at these sites? How have impacts to fishermen, whales, seabirds and the environment been factored in? What are the four sites identified through this process, and what do we know about them?

Kathleen Leyden, Maine Coastal Program; Jake Ward, University of Maine

FMI: Dan Prichard, 22 State House Station, Augusta, 04333, 207-287-4919,

Talk of the Towns 10/23/09

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Studio Engineer: Joel Mann
Topic: Trends in Education
Guests: Gordon Donaldson, University of Maine, College of Education; Judith Cox, College of the Atlantic, Educational Studies Program; Craig Kesselheim, Great Schools Partnership
What are some of the diverse ways that students learn, and how do they lead to different ways of teaching? How are educators finding new ways to inspire the learning process, including service learning and place-based education, sustainability themes in STEM content?

Talk of the Towns 10/09/09

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension and Sea Grant
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne
Topic: Changing Seas-Federal Policy Means Challenges and Opportunities for Maine’s Ground-Fishing Fleet
What is the history, and current state, of ground-fishing in Maine? What have been some of the approaches to federal management of the fisheries? How does “permit banking” work?
Guests: Jen Litteral, Island Institute; Glen Libby, Port Clyde Fisherman’s Association; Will Brune, Nature Conservancy; Aaron Dority, Penobscot East

Talk of the Towns 9/24/09

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Topic: Marine Heritage Tourism-Lessons from Newfoundland and elsewhere Applied Down East

Guests: Natalie Springuel, University of Maine Sea Grant; Fred Cook, DART (Downeast and Acadia Regional Tourism); Sherry Churchill, consultant on Nature Based Tourism

Talk of the Towns 9/11/09

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Studio Engineer: Joel Mann

Topic: Acadia—one of America’s best ideas

Guests: Sheridan Steele, Superintendent, Acadia National Park, Deb Wade, Chief Interpreter, Acadia National Park, Marla O’Byrne, Friends of Acadia

If, as Ken Burn’s new television series asserts, national parks are America’s best idea, then surely Acadia is a best example of that best idea… give us a sense of Acadia’s history, including the role of early philanthropists who recognized the special qualities of place.

What are among Acadia’s most important assets? What does Acadia share with other national parks, and what makes it stand out in your minds? What are some of the challenges in protecting Acadia’s natural resources?

Talk of the Towns 8/28/09

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne
Topic: Protecting Dark Skies
What are “dark skies” and why are they important to people, from prehistoric times to present? Including professional and amateur astronomers, who else appreciates clear night skies? What trends are threatening our ability to see the night sky in this part of Maine? What can be done about it? What is the “Dark Skies Celebration” that will be taking place in September?
Guests: Peter Lord, Island Astronomy Institute; Anne Krieg, Town Planner, Bar Harbor; Jill Weber, Bar Harbor Conservation Commission; John Kelly, Acadia National Park; Stephanie Clement, Friends of Acadia

Talk of the Towns 8/14/09

Producer/Host: Ron Beard
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne
Topic: Protecting Water and Wetlands with Shoreland Zoning
How did the first state shoreland zoning act coming into being? What led to the 2006 changes in state law? What do landowners need to know?
Guests: Tom Martin, Hancock County Planning Commission; Stephenie MacLagan, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
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