Talk of the Towns 7/10/09

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Studio Engineer: Joel Mann

Topic: Beyond the Velvet Rope: Stewards of History, Energizers of Community
What are some of the traditional ways we have celebrated and conserved local historical resources leading up until today? What are some examples of traditional success? What happened to “cultural tourism” as a salvation? What are the challenges that traditional approaches have revealed?
Implications for local historic sites and others engaged in conserving and celebrating historical resources?
What does the future hold for historic sites and other resources, in relationship to their communities?

Guests: Joshua Torrance, Executive Director, Woodlawn, and others

Talk of the Towns 6/26/09

Producer/Host: Ron Beard
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Topic: Balancing Act- Promoting and Protecting Maine’s Outdoor Legacy
Guest: Patrick McGowan, Commissioner, Maine Department of Conservation

How would you describe Maine’s outdoor legacy– is it accurate to say that the Department of Conservation mission contains a balancing act–to promote the use of Maine’s outdoors and to protect those resources, part of it’s “quality of place”? What are the main functions of the Department of Conservation and how is it organized?

Talk of the Towns 5/22/09

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension

Topic: Nimble Non-Profits – Strategies in the face of the downturn
What do we know about the non-profit sector in Maine? What do we know about how non-profits are faring as a result of the recession? Erosion of Investments and reserves? Donations to organizations? Escalation of need for community services they provide? How are non-profit leaders coping with these challenges? Are there some “best practices” as non-profits adapt (stay nimble) for the long run? What challenges and opportunities do funders share as they work with non-profits?

Guests: Meredith Jones, President, Maine Community Foundation; Elizabeth Banwell, Director of External Affairs, Maine Association of Non-Profits; Kim Harty, Mount Desert Island YMCA; Mary Laury, Schoodic Arts for All

Talk of the Towns 5/08/09

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension

Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Topic: Maine’s Climate Future—what are the implications?

Guests: George Jacobson, School of Biology and Ecology & Climate Change Institute, University of Maine; Paul Anderson, University of Maine Sea Grant; Ivan Fernandez, Plant, Soil & Environmental Sciences, and Climate Change Institute, University of Maine; David Littell, Commissioner, Maine Department of Environmental Protection

What led to this report and what was different in the process of pulling it together? How is the report organized? What does the record of Maine’s past and present climate tell us about the future? What does the report find for freshwater ecosystems, forests, biodiversity and indigenous peoples of Maine? Maine is a heavily forested state, influencing both our economy and where people live and recreate… what are some of the implications of people making a living from and enjoying Maine’s woodlands? what are some of the implications of Maine’s climate future for people living and making a living on the coast? What led Governor to request this report? How would you characterize its contribution to our response, as a State, to the issues? How are the executive and legislative branches of Maine government responding… what are the highlights? What should citizens and stakeholders be watching for?


Talk of the Towns 4/10/09

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne
Topic: Conservation and Public Access
Guests: Buck O’Herin, Sheepscot Wellspring Land Alliance; Annette Naegal, Georges River Land Trust; Cheri Domina, Great Pond Mountain Conservation Trust

Call in show

Talk of the Towns 3/27/09

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne
Topic: Pandemic on the Radio—Lessons for communities on preparing for a pandemic avian influenza
What is the context—what do we know about flu pandemic, from history and current trends/projections? (include differences between ‘normal’ flu and avian flu)
In the event of a flu pandemic, what are the important messages for citizens and families?
How roles/impact for employers small and large? How would emergency services be coordinated? Where would people turn for practical help, and for medical help?
Guests: Doug Michael, Executive Director, Healthy Acadia Project; Dana Read, Town Manager, Bar Harbor; Janice Von Brook, Jackson Laboratory (by phone); Linda Feury, Deputy Director, Hancock County Emergency Management Office

Talk of the Towns 3/13/09

Producer/Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension

Studio Engineer: Joel Mann

Guests: Russell Libby, Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners,; James McConnon, University of Maine Cooperative Extension; Daniel Price and Ginger McDermott, Freedom Farm, Freedom Maine; Greg Veilleaux, Bar Harbor Town Council Member, supporter of farmers market there; Keith Small, Washington-Hancock Community Agency

Topic: Farmer’s Markets Connect People and Communities to Food
What role do farmers markets play for small farmers? What role do you see farmers markets play in connecting people to local food, and why does that matter? Are farmers markets part of larger trends influencing Maine food systems?
FMI on the farmers market convention: click on “Farm to Market”

Talk of the Towns 2/27/09

Producer/Host: Ron Beard

Studio Engineer: Joel Mann

Creating the Future: Stories from Women, Work and Community

Guests: Martha Duncan, Women, Work and Community, Hancock County; Susan Landry, Tranquility Acres Farm, Bucksport; Lexie Watson, Little Red Hen Baked Goods, Bar Harbor; Virginia Holden, Quietside Muffin Company, Southwest Harbor; Deb Burwell, Eleanor Days

What is the mission, origins, current services and 30 years of history of Women Work and Community and publication of “Creating the Future”?

FMI: Sorry you are under the weather…. Talk of the Towns info for today