Talk of the Towns 4/27/07

Producer/host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension

Topic: Service Learning and Global Citizenship—Maine to Ecuador

Guests:  Susan Vafiades-Diaz (New Teacher Leader, and coordinator of  Ecuador Field Studies Program, Mount Desert Island High School, Students, Fran Rudoff, KIDS Consortium

Talk of the Towns 3/23/07

Producer/host: Ron Beard

Topic: The connection between our food choices and the impacts of industrial agriculture on the rural people of places like Belize, Panama and Nicaragua.   We learn about a program based in Down east Maine that uses grass-roots extension work to turn that picture around: Sustainable Harvest International

Guests: former Peace Corps member Florence Reed, founder and Ron Poitras, a board member of Sustainable Harvest International, based in Surry.   FMI:

Call in show

Talk of the Towns 2/23/07

Producer/host: Ron Beard

Topic: Opportunities and Challenges in Non-Profit Leadership in Downeast Maine

Guests: Dwayne Shaw, Downeast Salmon Federation/Downeast Rivers Land Trust; Mary Laury, Schoodic Arts for All; Gary DeLong, Maine Seacoast Mission; Alan Furth, Cobscook Community Learning Center

Talk of the Towns 1/26/07

Guest Producer/host: Matt Murphy

Topic: Civic and Political Dialogue in Polarized Times
What are some available resources for promoting civic dialogue on controversial issues? What are the benefits and limitations of consensus decision-making, conflict resolution
and non-violent communications? Local training opportunities?

Guests: Sonia Turanski, Trained Mediator; Peggy Smith, Nonviolence Communications Instructor; Larry Dansinger, Resources Organized for Social Change

Call in show

Talk of the Towns 12/22/06

Producer/host: Ron Beard

Topic: Changing Nature of Democracy: How are citizens changing the way government works? What are ways to make government more responsive? What are the techniques for engaging citizens, experts and policy makers in dialogue?

Guests: Matt Leighninger, author of “The Next Form of Democracy”; Barbara Peppey, Healthy Peninsula, Blue Hill; State Rep. Jim Schatz, Blue Hill

Call in show

Talk of the Towns 11/24/06

Producer/host: Ron Beard

Talk of the Towns 10/27/06

Producer/host: Ron Beard

Topic: TABOR, the “TaxPayer’s Bill of Rights” which will appear on the Maine ballot in November
Guests: Mary Adams, TABOR proponent; Bill Becker, Maine Heritage Policy Center; Dana Reed, Town Manager, Bar Harbor; Jeff Austin, Maine Municipal Association
During the final segment of the program the phone lines were opened to callers.
What is the general situation with taxes in Maine?
What attempts have been made to manage growth of taxes?
How would TABOR reduce the tax burden to Maine citizens?
What are the potential impacts of TABOR on Maine towns?