Talk of the Towns 5/8/15

Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Studio Engineer: Joel Mann

Issue: Community concerns and opportunities

Program Topic: Community Energy: Bringing the lessons from Samso to Maine Islands

Key Discussion Points:
o Where in the world is Samso Island, and why is it important to the islands of Maine? What is the “energy profile” for Maine islands?
o What led to the visit to Samso by representatives from Island Institute, College of the Atlantic and residents from Maine’s islands? (include references to Fund for Maine Islands and II and COA partnership)
o What lessons did you find most compelling to bring back to Maine?
o How are you bringing some of these these lessons to Maine islands?
o College of the Atlantic: Making the campus fossil fuel free, Home energy audits and air sealing, storm window inserts, and more, etc
o Island Institute: Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Energy Education and Leadership, Annual island energy conferences, and more, etc
o Projects on Peakes Island, Long Island
o Community Solar project in Bar Harbor
o What are some of the challenges and opportunities you are working with as this collaborative effort goes forward?
o What are some of the small business opportunities that are emerging connected to this work?
o Are there state or federal policy implications for further community and homeowner energy initiatives?
o How can listeners learn more?

Anna Demeo, Director of Energy Education and Management, and Lecturer, College of the Atlantic
Saren Peetz, 4th year Student, College of the Atlantic
Suzanne MacDonald, Community Energy Director, Island Institute
Nate Johnson, Long Island Resident, “Renewable Energy Gateway”
Gary Friedmann, Town Council Member, Bar Harbor,

Talk of the Towns 4/10/15

Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Issue: Community concerns and opportunities

Program Topic: Support for success in high school and the transition to college and work

Key Discussion Points:

Kim shares her own profile and describes her own high school and college path, comparing and contrasting some of the challenges she sees current high school and college students facing

Todd shares a bit about his high school-to-college transition and sets the context for the challenge he and the school board and staff and community took on to build capacity for success for Deer Isle-Stonington High School

Kim and Todd share a bit about the community of Deer Isle and its economy, how fishing influences choices by high school age students and families

Todd describes what led to the creation of the three “pathways” (project based learing in marine sector, arts and health care), how they were chosen, and the community partnerships that have made them vibrant, shares profiles of students who have made each pathway work for them…

Kim describes what led to the creation of Project Launch, (including connections from her earlier work with Healthy Island Project and Ready by 21 (support for high school students for preparing for college or employment) shares how program works (selection and training of gurus, connection with guidance program at school, matching with high
school seniors, role of parents and families)

Pat Shepard, a current guru (by phone) shares what it has meant to him, and what how the relationship seems to be working for the students he mentors

Todd goes into more detail about Eastern Maine Skippers Program, including reference to Penobscot East and other partners, this year’s Green Crab project, Fisherman’s Forum session and the May session at the Grand in Ellsworth.

Todd West, Principal, Deer Isle-Stonington High School
Kim Hutchinson, Coordinator, Project Launch

Talk of the Towns 3/13/15

Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Issue: Community concerns and opportunities

Program Topic: Governor LePage’s Tax Reform Plan and its impacts on Maine towns and Non-Profit Organizations

Key Discussion Points:
• Michelle describes Ellsworth… its economy and tax base, with reference to the number/relative size of non-profits, role of city manager and city council in making decisions about property taxes
• Josh describes the mission and programs of Woodlawn Museum, brief history and current estimate of property valuation, if known (land and improvements)
• We review (from published source that Ron will share/bring) a summary of the sorts of changes in Maine’s tax system, as envisioned in the Governor’s budget and other sources. Reminder of the role of the legislature in reviewing Governor’s proposals
• Michelle describes the Maine Municipal Association, its policy review process and shares some of the potential impacts of the proposed tax system changes on municipalities, and the position(s) MMA has taken/is taking on these changes
• Josh describes the potential impacts of proposed change for non-profits—what he has heard from his non-profit colleagues, and potential impact for Woodlawn
• By Phone Joel Johnson, from Maine Center for Economic Policy, describes other potential impacts from the proposed tax reform, especially the reduction or elimination of income tax, shifting of tax burden, concept of tax progressivity, who would benefit and who would be disadvantaged by the Governor’s proposals
• Michelle/Josh shares where listeners can learn more, track the legislative process from MMA and Maine Association of Non Profits points of view

Michelle Beal, City Manager, Ellsworth & President, Maine Municipal Association
Joshua Torrance, Executive Director, Woodlawn Museum, Ellsworth
Joel Johnson, Maine Center for Economic Policy

Talk of the Towns 2/13/15

Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Issue: Community concerns and opportunities

Program Topic: The Abundance Cycle—A new lens for developing sustainable businesses

Key Discussion Points:

Jay Friedlander:
• A college economics text book from the 1970s was called “Scarcity Challenged”… we have scarce resources and our various economic systems are designed to allocate those resources based on various values or beliefs. How does your concept of “abundance” connect with classic economics?
• How does “abundance” relate to the concept that we could be doing “business” differently, sustainably, with benefit to the business owners, employees, communities and the natural systems on which we all rely?
• How did you come to understand “abundance” as a guiding principle in sustainable business development… reference your work with O’Naturals.
• What drew you to College of the Atlantic and how have you introduced both sustainable business and “abundance” to undergraduates?

Steve Schafer:
• How did you and Kate Schafer create Black Dinah Chocolatiers in the tiny community of Isle au Haut and how were and how some of the abundance cycle concepts that you applied?
• What factors went into your decision to expand, locating production and shipping to the Portland area…, and what does it mean for the future of the company.
• Looking back, are there any lessons you would like to share with other existing and potential small business people in our audience.

Lisa Bjerke:
• John Gardiner, founder of Common Cause, said: “This is the time of breathtaking opportunities disguised as unsolvable problems.” Based on your recent Watson Fellowship, traveling to Germany, India, China and Japan to explore how people viewed “waste”… are there any “breathtaking opportunities” buried under that pile of trash?
• What resources or leads can you share with listeners who are interested in solving our solid waste problems—consumers, local town officials, business owners?

Jay Friedlander, Sharpe-McNally Chair of Green and Socially Responsible
Steve Schafer, Black Dinah Chocolatiers
Lisa Bjerke, graduate student, College of the Atlantic
Business, College of the Atlantic


Businesses Resources: :

Exampels of companies (in Germany)

Zero Waste Solution by Paul Conett, at

Talk of the Towns 1/9/15

Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Issue: Community concerns and opportunities

Program Topic: The Abbe Museum—Bridging Wabanaki and White People and Cultures

Key Discussion Points:
• What were the origins of the Abbe and what is it’s current mission?
• Big step to create its downtown location… what is the relationship between the museum in Acadia and the downtown museum?
• What were the potentials you saw when you came… what continues to excite you?
• How has the role of the Abbe to bridge “white” and Wabanaki people and cultures evolved, perhaps using Twisted Path as an example?
• What is the role of “museum educator”? What do you enjoy about your work in schools, or when school and other groups visit the Abbe?
• George brings so much to his role… what are some of the obvious and not-so-obvious contributions from your Passamaquoddy/Wabanaki culture, your education?
• How do you see the Abbe helping to bridge Wabanaki and “white” people and cultures?
• One of the planks in that bridge might be basket-making… talk about the art and artistry of basketmaking in Wabanaki culture… historical and current context
• Describe the role of the museum to help “build community” in Bar Harbor, and Mount Desert Island… what do you do to foster those connections, to build community capacity?
• Talk about the new exhibit inspired by the women of Indian Township and the effects of
substance abuse on the community… what questions would you like visitors to ponder?
• What else should we look for at the Abbe in coming months? What are some of the other staff working on?
• How has your affiliation with the Smithsonian affected your programming and recognition?

Cinnamon Catlin-Legutko, President, Abbe Museum
George Neptune, Museum Educator, Abbe Museum

Talk of the Towns 12/12/14

Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Issue: Community concerns and opportunities

Program Topic: Looking Back, Looking Ahead—the work of Maine Community Foundation

Key Discussion Points:
1. What is a community foundation, what is the brief history of community foundations and of Maine Community Foundation (MCF) in particular?
2. What is the array of services that MCF provides to non-profits and community groups, and to donors?
3. What led you to your work with MCF… you were with Maine Development Foundation… what of that work with MDF helped you as you took on your work at MCF
4. How is MCF organized and staffed?
5. Role of “county funds” and advisors (examples from Hancock, Waldo, Washington Counties)
6. How does Maine stack up in terms of chartable giving? (is there a difference between charitable giving and philanthropy?)
7. What are some of the changes you have led or encouraged at MCF, and how do these relate to the wider world of philanthropy? What is the balance between MCF responding to community needs and a kind of leadership- fostering longer-term strategies, including collaboration? Where and with whom is MCF collaborating these days?
8. What are some of the trends that you see in how community groups and non-profits see themselves, and how others see them… is there more of a sense of these groups serving as safety-nets as local, state and federal government contracts? What does this mean for some of the aspirations of groups in the arts, education, conservation to lift our spirits and intellect?
9. What are some of the trends that you see in the donor community? We see forecasts of a major transfer of wealth ahead… how philanthropy play out in that trend?
10. Practical details—how do both donors and community groups find out more about potential partnerships with MCF?
11. You have a year left at the helm… what will you be working on?


Meredith Jones, President, Maine Community Foundation

Karen Stanley, Board Member, Maine Community Foundation

Jo Cooper, Executive Director, Friends in Action, Ellsworth

Todd West, Principal, Deer Isle-Stonington High School

Talk of the Towns 10/24/14

Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Issue: Community concerns and opportunities

Program Topic: Cleaner Elections in Maine

Key Discussion Points:

What is the current picture of what it takes to run for legislative and state-wide offices in Maine?
What led to Maine’s original Clean Election Law? What has been the track record?
What rulings by the US Supreme Court affected Maine’s Law?
What has happened since the Citizens United ruling… what trends have we seen nationally and here in Maine? (PACs and other players)
If sections of Maine’s Clean Election Law have been put in question by decisions by the Supreme Court, what is the possible fix? What is Maine Citizens for Clean Elections proposing?
What do you hope Maine’s election scene look like if this change is put in place?
These changes seem good and beneficial… who might be opposed to an updated clean elections laws in Maine? Not all candidates will choose the clean election option… under what circumstances might that be the case?
What are the steps in making these changes… what’s on the ballot in November, and assuming you are successful, what would happen after that?
How would citizens learn more or get involved?


Ann Luther, Maine League of Women Voters (in studio)
Senator Edward Youngblood, Brewer
Jamie McGowan, Professor, College of the Atlantic
Andrew Bossie, Executive Director, Maine Citizens for Clean Elections

Talk of the Towns 9/26/14

Host: Ron Beard, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Studio Engineer: John Greenman

Issue: Community concerns and opportunities

Program Topic: The Present and Future of Community Newspapers

Key Discussion Points:
What traditional roles do local newspapers fulfill? (News, Public Notice, Editorial, Access to Customers, role of “free press” in a democracy, etc)
How do different sectors of the community relate to local newspapers?
How is your news function structured… how does it work week to week? How do you decide what to cover? What is the reporters role, the editors role?
How do you decide what editorials to write… how do you encourage readers to share their opinions? Does reader input influence what news you cover?
What is the traditional business model… advertising revenue, subscription/news stand sales?
How are the traditional roles changing and what is forcing those changes?
(digital media, changing demographics and reader preferences, etc)
How are local newspapers adapting/leading? (any differences with daily and national newspapers? Trends in on-line journalism?)
In an ideal future world, how do you wish to interact with readers, citizens, local officials, business owners… what is the business model, what is the emerging role for newspapers role in a democracy?
What are your hopes for the future of local newspapers?

Stephen Fay, Managing Editor, The Ellsworth American
Tim Archembalt, Director of Reach Marketing, Ellsworth American
Ben Barrows, General Manager, Penobscot Bay Press
Earl Brechlin, Editor, Mount Desert Islander (by phone)