Voices 11/10/09

Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Topic: Ten Bucks Theatre’s “Sex, Lies and the Nobel Prize—2 Plays by Harold Pinter”.

In memory of Nobel Prize and Tony Award winning playwright Harold Pinter, who passed away last December, Ten Bucks Theatre will present two of his shorts plays, The Lover and The Collection , from November 20th thru December 6th, in Brewer, Maine. Today we are joined by the Director, Irene Dennis, as well as some of the cast: Marty Kelley, Bernard Hope and John Greenman.

FMI: www.tenbuckstheatre.com

Weekend Voices 11/07/09

Executive Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Contributors: Jeri Spurling, Trisha Terwilliger, Adam Lacher

Segment 1: Jeri Spurling interview with a woman who has been working in Thailand, with victims of human trafficking.

Segment 2: Trisha Terwilliger brings us a report on the impact of the recent typhoons, as well as mining and other environmental degradation, on the indigenous people of the Philippines

Segment 3:Vietnam-era veteran Jack Harrington, who has some ideas about using decommissioned bases to provide housing and other services for vets (Recorded by Adam Lacher, Edited by Amy Browne)

Voices 11/3/09

Executive Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Contributing Producer: John Greenman
Topic: Immigration Realities

PICA (Peace through Interamerican Community Action), a grassroots organization based in Bangor, has uses personal experiences to build bonds that tie together local, regional and global issues. Since 1991, PICA has had a sister city relationship with Carasque, a small town deep in the mountains of Chalatenango Province, El Salvador.

Over the years the Bangor-Carasque sistering relationship has grown into a tight bond of mutual support and friendship. These people- to-people connections anchor PICA’s work of taking local action for global justice.

PICA’s kNOw US AND THEM program is connecting the issues of fair trade and immigration, and building alliances for action among those affected – immigrants, displaced workers, and community members. As part of kNOw US AND THEM, a delegation from Bangor visited Carasque, El Salvador in November 2008 to learn about how emigration and free trade are affecting that community.

In this program called “Immigration Realities,” you will hear the voices of Carasqueños, joined by those of a few former Carasque residents now living in the United States.

For more information about PICA or the kNOw US AND THEM program, contact PICA at 947-4203, info@pica.ws, or visit PICA’s Web site at www.pica.ws.

Weekend Voices 10/31/09

Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Audio recorded by: John Greenman
Today we bring you a talk on China and U.S. Policy in Southeast Asia, that was sponsored by the University of Maine’s Marxist and Socialist minor program, as part of their lecture series, in conjunction with the Maine Peace Action Committee and the College of Arts and Sciences. The speaker is Professor Ngo Vinh-Long. He received a Ph. D. in East Asian History and Far Eastern Languages from Harvard University in 1978, and joined the Department of History at the University of Maine in 1985 and has offered a variety of courses on East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia and the relations of the countries in these regions with each other and with the United States. His talk was recorded by WERU’s John Greenman, and edited, for length, by Amy Browne.

Voices 10/27/09

Producer/Host: Cathy Melio
Topic: Cathy Melio’s monthly “Artist’s Voice” feature on Maine Contemporary Art, in conjunction with the Center for Maine Contemporary Art
Opportunities for artists to exhibit and sell their work: Call for Art of CMCA Juried Biennial Exhibition; Artists and the Environment (interview with artists in a show called “New Fangled Destiny”); Creative Economy–interview with Jean McGinnis of Maine Center for Creativity.
Guests: Jean McGinnis, Executive Director of non-profit Maine Center for Creativity; Dawn Nye, Professor of New Media at UMaine Farmington; Kate Randall, Professor of Mixed Media at UMaine Farmington

Weekend Voices 10/24/09

Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Audio from Bangor Interfaith Service recorded by Matt Murphy
Topic: Some voices of the “No on 1” campaign
Excerpts from interviews with Kay Wilkins, Peter Rees and Senator Dennis Damon (Hancock County), and from speeches given at an interfaith service held in Bangor on 10/18/09
What is Question 1 on the upcoming November ballot? What are grassroots organizers and local political leaders doing to protect Maine’s marriage equality law? Why is the option to marry important for same-sex couples?
FMI: www.protectmaineequality.org

Voices 10/20/09

Executive Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Contributing Producers: Carolyn Coe & Matt Murphy
Segment 1: Lubec Arts Alive 2009, produced by Carolyn Coe
Interviews with Shanna Wheelock, Natasha Mayers, Jean Fincke
What was Lubec Arts Alive 2009? What role did members on the Unioon of Maine Visual Artists play? What has the impact of the project been?
FMI: www.lubecartsalive2009.blogspot.com
Segment 2: Visitor from KWMR, Community Radio in Point Reyes, CA, produced by Matt Murphy
Interview with Jane Michelson of KWMR, as she visited WERU.
FMI: www.kwmr.org