Executive Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Contributing Producers: Jim Fisher, Anneli Sundqvist
Segment 1: An interview with Pam Person re: the upcoming Hancock County Climate Change Conference
Segment 2: Anneli Sundqvist’s audio travel diary
Category: Voices & Weekend Voices
Locally produced radio magazine on cultural & community events & people. Every Wednesday from 4:00 – 4:30 PM
Voices 10/06/09
Executive Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Contributing Producers: Marge May and Matt Murphy
Segment 1: Author, biologist, cancer survivor & Common Ground Fair keynote speaker, Sandra Steingraber. FMI: http://www.steingraber.com/
Segment 2: “Ragtime meets Mack the Knife”– George Swanson talks about this upcoming fundraiser for local food pantries, soup kitchen and fuel funds. (10/18/09, 5pm, St. Saviour’s, Bar Harbor, FMI: 207-244-3703 Ext 105 or george@katrinasdream.org)
Weekend Voices 10/03/09
Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Topic: On September 14th, WERU held a public forum on “The Future of Sears Island”, at the Alamo Theater in Bucksport. There was a studio audience and the event was broadcast live. For those of you who missed it, we recorded the forum and will be broadcasting it in 2 parts, here on Weekend Voices. Today we bring you the second hour. (The first half is also archived on this website.)
WERU volunteer Gray Parrot was the moderator, and the panelists were State Senator Dennis Damon; Searsport resident Peter Tabor of Fair Play for Sears Island; Jim Freeman,Joint Use Planning Committee (JUPC) member; Maine DOT Commissioner David Cole; and Ron Huber of Penobscot Bay Watch
Voices 9/29/09
Executive Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Contributing Producer: Jim Fisher
Segment 1: Dr. Phil Caper discusses challenges facing political leaders in crafting genuine health care reform. He presents the case for moving to a single payer “Medicare for All” system.
Segment 2: Pam Person describes a national initiative from Al Gore and Re-Power America to build a green economy. Listeners are encouraged to get involved. A Panel Discussion will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Ellsworth on October 4th 3:00 -5:00 PM.
Weekend Voices 9/26/09
Producers/Hosts: Amy Browne and Jim Bahoosh
Jim Bahoosh, host of the Tuesday edition of “On the Wing”, interviews singer-songwriter Putnam Smith, and Smith performs live. (Music published here with his permission).
FMI: www.putnamsmith.com
Voices-Artist’s Voice Edition 9/22/09
Producer/Host: Cathy Melio
Topics: Artist Siem Vanderven, Mary Bumiller on Pecha Kucha; Arts Advocacy with Carol Trimble of Maine Alliance for Arts Education; Creative Economy Movement in Midcoast Maine, with Midcoast Magnet; Craft Artist Opportunities
Weekend Voices 9/19/09
Producer/Host: Amy Browne
On September 14th, WERU held a public forum on “The Future of Sears Island”, at the Alamo Theater in Bucksport. There was a studio audience and the event was broadcast live. For those of you who missed it, we recorded the forum and will be broadcasting it in 2 parts, here on Weekend Voices. Today we bring you the first hour. (The second half will air in this time slot next week.) WERU volunteer Gray Parrot was the moderator, and the panelists were State Senator Dennis Damon; Searsport resident Peter Tabor of Fair Play for Sears Island; Jim Freeman,Joint Use Planning Committee (JUPC) member; Maine DOT Commissioner David Cole; and Ron Huber of Penobscot Bay Watch
FMI: http://www.fairplayforsearsisland.org/, http://www.penbay.org/ , http://www.mainesenate.org/damon/index.htm, http://www.maine.gov/mdot/
Voices 9/15/09
Producer/Host: Jim Campbell
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