Weekend Voices 5/23/09

Executive Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Contributors: Matt Murphy, Meredith DeFrancesco

A show in honor of everyone engaged in the truly grassroots, revolutionary act of growing food for themselves and their community, here in Maine and elsewhere.

Segment 1: Eliot Coleman, from the Four Season Farm in Harborside, speaking at the 2009 HOPE festival, sponsored by the Peace and Justice Center of Eastern Maine, in April 2009. Coleman is the author of several books and articles including The New Organic Grower , Four Season Harvest and the Winter Harvest Manual. His speech was recorded by Matt Murphy. FMI: www.fourseasonfarm.com

Segment 2: Meredith DeFrancesco talks with Florence Reed and Nana Mensah of Sustainable Harvest International, based in Surry, Maine. SHI provides farming families in Central America with the training and tools to overcome poverty while restoring tropical forests. Florence Reed is the founder and President of Sustainable Harvest International, and Nana Mensah is the Country Director for SHI in Belize. They spoke with Meredith DeFrancesco here at WERU earlier this spring. FMI: www.sustainableharvest.org

Voices 5/19/09

Executive Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Contributing Producer: Marge May

Topic: Familes USA Teleconference on a new report published in April:Too Great a Burden: Americans Face Rising Health Care Costs
The teleconference focuses on Maine and was recorded by Marge May for WERU on 4/29/09

What percentage of real income goes to healthcare costs in Maine?
What are the trends in healthcare costs? Does Rep. Chellie Pingree support H.R. 676, the Conyers bill that proposes a single-payer option

Participants: Ron Pollack , Executive Director of Families USA; Rep. Chellie Pingree and others

Weekend Voices 5/16/09

Executive Producer/Host: Amy Browne.
Segment 1: Affordable housing for farmers and fishers in Washington County, Maine. Produced by Meredith DeFrancesco. FMI: www. manoenmanocenter.org/
Segment 2: An interview with internationally renowned author and activist Starhawk who will be doing an “Earth Activist Training” here in Maine this summer. Produced by Andree Bella. FMI: www.earthactivisttraining.org
Segment 3: “Creature Feature” Art Show to benefit The Grand in Ellsworth, Maine. Produced by Matt Murphy. FMI: www.grandonline.org
Segment 4: A local dance company’s production of “Alice in Wonderland (Camden Opera House, May 30th & 31st). Produced by Magnus Johnstone. FMI: www.camdenoperahouse.com/events.cfm

**REMINDER** Starting on 5/23/09 Weekend Voices will be moving to 10a.m. on Saturday mornings.

Voices 5/12/09

Executive Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Contributing Producer: Leah Renee
Topic: Americorps in Searsport, Maine.
What is Americorps? How can you get involved in Americorps? What are the benefits of Americorps service (to the member, to the community)?
Chris Abbott – Searsport EMS Americorps Volunteer
Leslie Gregory – SDHS Literacy teacher and SDHS Radio founder
Scott Beaudry – Head of project Success, Americorps VISTA Volunteer at SDHS

Weekend Voices 5/09/09

Executive Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Contributing Producer: Cynthia Swan
Topic: Paganism
What is paganism? Paganism in Maine. Starhawk’s upcoming Earth Activist Training in Maine (June 21st- July 5th at Unity College)
Guest: Reverend Anu Dudley, Ph.D.
FMI: www.earthactivisttraining.org, 1-800-381-7940, or anu@umit.maine.edu

Voices 4/28/09

Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Contributors: Cathy Melio, Linda Washburn
Segment 1: “Artist’s Voice”, produced in collaboration with the Center for Maine Contemporary Art
Segment 2: The second annual Midcoast Maine Women’s Health Conference, to be held May 15-16, Point Lookout, Northport, Maine:
Linda Washburn (Women’s Windows) interviews Holly Noonan, spokesperson for the conference, regarding it’s history and this year’s program. What activities will participants find at this year’s conference? What are the primary health concerns of Maine women?
What grassroots resources are available to women who want a proactive role in their own health care? What does the future hold for women’s health care in Maine?
FMI: Holly Noonan, spokesperson for the Midcoast Maine Women’s Health Conference, Contact info for the Conference: 930-2694; womenshealth@wchi,com, For Holly: holly@mindbodynutrition.net
(This interview, in an expanded version, originally aired on “Women’s Windows”, a program combining women’s music and spoken word, which airs every Sunday from 8-10pm on WERU)

Weekend Voices 4/25/09

Producer/Host: Amy Browne
More of the testimony from the Public Hearing on LD1020– which would allow same sex marriage in Maine (while also affirming churches rights to refuse to marry anyone if they choose), held on 4/22/09 at the Augusta Civic Center and attended by a crowd of more than 3,000.
(More audio from the hearing was featured on a WERU Special on 4/22/09 and is also available on these archives)