Voices 2/17/09

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Contributors: Gray Parrot, humble Farmer

Segment 1: Walk-Across-Maine-in-Drag-a-thon– An interview with artist/activist Timothy Berry (FMI: www.firstgiving.com)

Segment 2: Gray Parrot interviews artist Mango Johnstone about her exhibit (through February) at the Blue Hill Library (FMI: www.mangojohnstone.com)

Segment 3: humble Farmer on the “War on Terror”

Weekend Voices 2/07/09

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Contributors: Anneli Sundqvist, Carolyn Coe, Robert Skoglund, aka “humble Farmer”

Segment 1: Anneli Sundqvist is the manager of the new Deer Isle Hostel which will be opening in June 2009.   She is also a reporter for Swedish Public Radio.  In the spring of 2007 she made an overland journey from Libya through the Middle East and the Balkans and up through eastern Europe to her childhood home in the north of Sweden.  She recorded her observations in a “letters home” style in several installations.  We start Weekend Voices today, with some of them.
Anneli says “The texts are partly to be seen as actual reports from countires where many would never set foot, or even consider doing so, and partly about the life as a solo traveler in such places. About the people I’ve come across, the small every day events and the culture clashes I encountered out there, about living in a backpack and living on the road. About the language difficulties, the unreal situations and my absent husband, about falling in love and out of fear.  The word needs to be put out there, even more so I think in America; the Middle East is more than suicide bombers and fanatic Muslims. Balkan is more than a former war-zone. We shouldn’t trust what we hear, and should question what we known. The world isn’t as distance as it might seem”

Segment 2: WERU volunteer Carolyn Coe traveled thru Syria and Jordan in December 2008 and January 2009 and interviewed Iraqi refugees and the people who are working with them.   Today she reports on the Iraqi Student Project.  FMI: www.iraqistudentproject.org

Segment 3: A few words from the humble Farmer:

Weekend Voices 1/31/09

Executive Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Contributing Producer: Carolyn Coe

Topic: War and Occupation of Iraq– Program for Refugees in Amman, Jordan.  An interview with Faiza Al-Araji at the Jordanian Women’s Union

What is the current situation for Iraqi’s in Jordan?  What are the options Iraqi refugees have?  How are people working to provide clean water to Iraqi’s?

FMI: www.iraqwaterproject.org , www.afamilyinbaghdad.blogspot.com

Voices 1/27/09

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Contributors: Cathy Melio, The Humble Farmer,  Kathleen March & her Spanish students at the University of Maine, Orono;  Music contributed by: Tree by Leaf and Andy Jordan

Segment 1:  The debut of Cathy Melio’s new monthly “Artist’s Voice” feature.  Today she interview Anna Hepler.  FMI: www.cmcanow.org

Segment 2:  A few gems from the Humble Farmer,  Robert Karl Skoglund

Segment 3:  Poetry from El Salvador

Weekend Voices 1/24/09

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Contributors: Jim Fisher, Matt Murphy

Segment 1: Jim Fisher interviews Dan Kane, a Phys Ed instructor at GSA who teaches a course on Outdoor Experiential Education and Leadership every spring.  This nine minute interview describes the program and what students gain by working together outdoors.

Segment 2: We talk with a Jonathan Sherman, a high school student from southern Maine who has been keeping in touch with his Israeli and Palestinian friends he met at the “Seeds of Peace” camp.  Facebook and MySpace have allowed them to maintain contact through the recent escalation.  (FMI: www.seedsofpeace.org)

Segment 3: Highlights of a recent workshop that offered tips to help non-profits survive in today’s economy: “Navigating Rough Seas, A Community Discussion with Non-Profits on Program Sustainability”.

Weekend Voices 1/17/09

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Contributing Producers: Carolyn Coe, Isatou Jobarteh

Topics: We talk with 2 women from the US (Kathy Kelly and Audrey Stewart) who traveled to Gaza last week in hopes of telling the stories the mainstream corporate media are ignoring about the attack on Palestine, Carolyn Coe talks with an Iraqi family that has been forced to take refuge in Syria, and Isatou Jobarteh brings us some of the news from West Africa.


Kathy Kelly,  (Voices for Creative Non-Violence, http://vcnv.org/)  &  Audrey Stewart, (Loyola Law Clinic), will be posting reports on http://electronicintifada.net/ and http://www.counterpunch.org/ .

Direct Aid Iraq: http://www.directaidiraq.org/