Weekend Voices 7/05/08

Producer/Host: Marge May

Topic: Segments recorded at the 2008 National Media Reform Conference

Have mass media adequately covered the wars on Iraq and Afghanistan?
What is the role of news media: to advocate for gov’t policies or to inform the public about gov’t policies?
What can a citizen do to encourage better media coverage of important events in the world?

Recorded presenters: Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Naomi Klein, Amy Goodman, Phil Donohue, Sonali Kolhatkar

Weekend Voices 6/28/08

Producer: Adam Lacher, with technical assistance from Jeffrey McCarter

Host/Editor: Amy Browne

Topic: June 25th over 120 protestors from around the state and abroad gathered at the Kennebunk, Kennebunkport, Wells Water District in opposition to a plan by the water district to sell water to Poland Spring Water Company, a subsidiary of the multi-billion dollar transnational corporation Nestle.  Adam Lacher and Jeffrey McCarter were there and recorded the protest rally, the water district’s meeting, and an interview with a Nestlé representative.


KKW Water District: E-mail: info@kkw.org  or call (207) 985-3385
Defending Water for Life: E-mail: info@defendingwaterinmaine.org or call 930-5232
Nestlé Waters North AmericaAttention:  Corporate Website 777 West Putnam Avenue P.O. Box 2313 Greenwich, CT  06830. or call: 203-531-4100

Voices 6/24/08

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Segment 1: Around the world people are struggling to prevent what once seemed unthinkable: the privatization of the planet’s water.  That struggle has come to water-rich Maine in recent years and today we’ll be talking with an organizer with the group Defending Water in Maine, Emily Posner.

FMI: www.defendingwaterinmaine.org  , www.celdf.org
Emily Posner: 207-930-5232  or  info@defendingwaterinmaine.org

Segment 2: Some excerpts from a discussion earlier today about the Full Circle Fair.  Whether you are thinking of attending and want to know who the performers are, or maybe you want to volunteer and get in free— either way you’ll get your answers here.  This is Martha Garfield, Fair Coordinator, Matt Murphy, WERU General Manager and Chris Stark, WERU volunteer coordinator.

Weekend Voices 6/21/08

Executive Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Contributors: Marge May, Judi Beach, Karen Larsen


Segment 1: Produced by Marge May. An interview with Riane Eisler, author of “The Real Wealth of Nations: Creating a Caring Economics”. She was recently featured on New Dimensions, and spoke with WERU’s Marge May in March 2008

Segment 2: Produced by Amy Browne. We talk with Bruce Gagnon, a local peace activist and one of the leaders in the new group “Mainers for Cynthia McKinney”. The group is showing a film about McKinney in Blue Hill next week. FMI: mainers4mckinney.org

Segment 3: Karen Larsen with some reflections on the summer solstice.

Segment 4: 2 poems by Judi Beach—long time WERU volunteer who passed away in April. Thanks to her friend Karen Larsen—the former host of EarthTones, the show in which Judi’s Poetry Pantry aired—we now have several of her poems up on the WERU archives. These are “Eve Rethinks Eden” and “Beginning with lines by Neruda”. You can hear more of Judi Beach’s poetry at the WERU archives

Voices 6/17/08

Executive Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Contributing Producers: Magnus Johnstone, Jim Fisher

Segment 1: Graffiti/Tattoo Art Show.  An interview with Isaac Wright –artist showing at the Dejoy Gallery 666 rte. 172 Blue Hill.  Opening June 21st 2008

Segment 2: The New Surry Theater in Blue Hill, Maine. Interviews with Bill Raiten, Director of the New Surry Theater and Sheldon Bisberg, Music Director of the New Surry Theater www.newsurrytheatre.org How did you get involved in community theater? What are your plans for a future arts and acting school in Blue Hill?
Why did you choose A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum for this summers musical production?

Weekend Voices “Hear Again” special 6/14/08

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Contributors: Kathleen Lignell Ellis, Mark Baldwin

Topic: A WERU 20th Anniversary “Hear Again” special from our archives.  Today-Excerpts from conversations with Maine poets who are no longer with us.

What poets influenced May Sarton, Philip Booth, Sylvester Pollet, Constance Hunting?  In Philip Booth’s opinion, who was the last great 19th century Amercian poet and who was the first great 20th century American poet?  Do May Sarton, Philip Booth, Sylvester Pollet, Constance Hunting consider themselves Maine poets? Why or why not?

Voices 6/10/08

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Topic: An interview with Dan Lourie of Bar Harbor, Maine—one of the members of the Mount Desert Island Peace and Justice community that successfully organized a town referendum opposing a U.S. war on Iran, unless expressly approved by Congress.  The referendum passed at a recent town meeting.

FMI: citiesforprogress.org