Weekend Voices 3/08/08

Executive Producer/host: Amy Browne

Audio recorded by Steve Votey and Matt Murphy.  Our thanks to the Unitarian-Universalist Church of Ellsworth for making the audio recording available to WERU

Topic:  The “Hancock County Focuses on Climate Change Forum” held February 2, 2008 at the Unitarian-Universalist Church of Ellsworth.  Today’s program includes excerpts from the speakers on the “Science, Policy and Planning” panel:  Dr. Kirk Maasch, climate modeling expert from the University of Maine Climate Change Institute; Rep. Ted Koffman, Bar Harbor, House Chair of the Maine Legislature’s Joint Committee on Natural Resources; Pam Person, member of the League of Women Voters Downeast and their U.S. Climate Change Task Force, and Chair of the Bucksport Bay Healthy Community Coalition’s Environmental and Energy Committee; Jim Fisher,  Hancock County Planning Commission

(To be continued on RadioActive on Thursday 3/13/08 at 4p.m., and future Voices programs

Voices 3/04/08

Executive Producer/host: Amy Browne

Contributing Producer: Jim Campbell

This year’s Camden Conference, which was held the last weekend of February, had as its theme “Religion as a Force in World Affairs”.  One of the sub-themes of the conference focused on “Religion and U.S. Foreign Policy”, and one of the most troubled parts of the world at present for that foreign policy is the Sudan, of which Darfur is a part.

There have been 22 years of civil war in the Sudan between the Arab north of the country and the native African south. Yet while we occasionally see news clips about horror stories in Dafur, we seldom hear about the country as a whole.

In the following excerpt from his Camden Conference talk, Andrew Natsios, a former head of the U.S. Agency for International Development and, until recently, U.S. special envoy for Sudan, speaks about the situation in Sudan
from an on-the-ground perspective that may surprise those of us who have relied only on mainstream media coverage of events there, or even on the reports from advocacy groups working in Dafur.

Andrew Natsios was introduced by the conference moderator, Graham Phaup. This report was prepared by Jim Campbell for Voices.

For more information on the Camden Conference: www.camdenconference.org.

Weekend Voices 3/1/08

Executive Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Contributing Producer: Marge May, in conjunction with Ann Luther and the League of Women Voters

Topics: Open Government/Freedom of Information

Importance of freedom of information for democracy
· Legal and Constitutional bases for citizens’ right to know and for government claims to secrecy
· What are the recent trends in classifications and declassifications; recent changes to law & practice
· What are the options for citizens & Congress to get information

Sean Moulton, Director of Federal Information Policy at OMB Watch. www.ombwatch.org
Charles Davis, associate professor at the Missouri School of Journalism and the executive director for the National Freedom of Information Coalition. www.nfoic.org
Meredith Fuchs, General Counsel to the National Security Archive. http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/

Ann Luther, host, is the Co-president, League of Women Voters of Maine www.lwvme.org

Weekend Voices 2/23/08

Executive producer/host: Amy Browne

Contributing producer: Eric T. Olson

Because today’s program contains some material that copyright law prevents us from archiving, this program is not available for download/podcasting.  However an excerpt which includes Doug Allen’s MLK Day speech can be found on Eric Olson’s website at: http://peacecast.us/2008/02/doug-allen-mlk-keynote-1212008.html

FMI: www.peacecast.us

Weekend Voices 2/16/08

Executive Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Contributing Producer: Jim Fisher

Segment 1:  An interview with Hillary Lister of Maine IndyMedia and the Native Forest Network (NFN), and Chris Smith, also of the NFN.  Hillary Lister outlines the web of connections she has found in her research into Plum Creek Corporations connections with other power players in business, politics and media, and asks the public’s assistance in providing additional information.  Chris Smith reponds to the information from the perspective of a Mainer who has been opposing Plum Creek’s planned massive development in the Maine Woods.  FMI: www.maineindymedia.org, hillary@maine.indymedia.org

Segment 2:   Second-hand smoking and smoking in cars.  Jim Fisher talks with Sally Christ, a tobacco educator in Eastern Maine.  FMI: Sally Christ (via Healthy Peninsula Office 3743257) www.tobaccofreemaine.org The Maine Tobacco HelpLine: 1-800-207-1230

Jim Fisher is the host of Common Health, a call in show that airs the 3rd Wednesday morning of each month at 10 o’clock.

Musical break featured Ethan Miller and Kate Boverman’s “Organized Crime” from their “If All the Land Would Rise” CD (2005).  FMI: www.riotfolk.org

Voices 2/12/08

Executive Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Contributing Producers: Jim Fisher, John Greenman

On today’s program Jim Fisher talks with Sally Christ, a tobacco educator in Eastern Maine, and John Greenman brings us an interview with David Cobb and Shannon Tracey of Democracy Unlimited of Humboldt County. They were in Maine over the last few days giving a workshop called “Why Do Corporations Have More Rights Than You Do?”

Jim Fisher is the host of Common Health, a call in show that airs the 3rd Wednesday morning of each month at 10 o’clock, and John Greenman is the host of the weekly short feature Going and Doing which airs every Tuesday morning at 7:30 here on WERU.

FMI (Tobacco segment): Sally Christ (via Healthy Peninsula Office 3743257) www.tobaccofreemaine.org The Maine Tobacco HelpLine: 1-800-207-1230
FMI (Challenging Corporate Power segment): www.duhc.org or 707-269-0984