Weekend Voices 9/29/07

Producer/host: Amy Browne

Contributor: Matt Murphy

Topic:  The latest in the series of conversations between local award-winning artist and activist Robert Shetterly and the subjects of his portrait series, “Americans Who Tell the Truth”.  Today Shetterly talks with former CIA agent and co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, Ray McGovern.

FMI: www.americanswhotellthetruth.org

Voices 9/25/07

Producer/host: Amy Browne

Contributor: Linda Washburn

Today we bring you excerpts from an interview that originally aired on Womens Windows several weeks ago.  Host Linda Washburn and her guest, music therapist Susan Wesley paid tribute to Women’s Window’s co-founder Kay Gardner, with a discussion of the healing power of music.

Susan Wesley, wesleydsl1@yahoo.com , or PO Box 226 Winterport 04496 ;


Weekend Voices 9/22/07

Producer/host: Amy Browne

Contributors: Lynnsay Maynard, Karen Larsen

Topics:  Independent journalist Dahr Jamail’s keynote speech at the WERU Full Circle Fair in Blue Hill, Maine in July 2007; A report on a youth-organized rally for peace that was held in Bangor, Maine last month; The Autumnal Equinox


www.dahrjamailiraq.com ; www.americanswhotellthetruth.org

Weekend Voices 9/15/07

Producer/host: Amy Browne

Contributors: Larry Stahlberg, Mike Joyce


White House correspondent Helen Thomas’ keynote speech at the 2007 WERU Full Circle Fair in July drew an enthusiastic crowd. Today, by popular demand, we bring you that speech, along with excerpts from the question and answer session that followed; WERU volunteer Larry Stahlberg interviews populist radio commentator Jim Hightower who will be speaking in Maine at a benefit for the Maine Civil Liberties Union at the Camden Opera House on Sunday, September 16th at 3p.m.; and an editorial by Mike Joyce

FMI: Helen Thomas’ most recent book is Watchdogs of Democracy? The Waning Washington Press Corps and How It Has Failed the Public (2006, Scribner, a division of Simon and Schuster)

Maine Civil Liberties Union (and more info about Hightower’s appearance): www.mclu.org or 207-774-5444

Jim Hightower can be heard on WERU-FM every weekday at 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. www.jimhightower.com

Weekend Voices 9/08/07

Producer/host: Amy Browne

The latest in the on-going series of conversations between award-winning artist and activist Robert Shetterly and the subjects of his portrait series “Americans Who Tell the Truth”.  Today, a conversation with Medea Benjamin (CodePink and Global Exchange) recorded June 15, 2007


www.americanswhotellthetruth.org  ,  www.codepinkalert.org , www.globalexchange.org

Weekend Voices 9/01/07

Producer/host: Amy Browne

Contributor: Eric T. Olson

Topic: A report on the work of the Maine Civil Liberties Union, including an interview with Executive Director, Shenna Bellows

“The Maine Civil Liberties Union (MCLU) was founded in 1968 with the purpose of advancing and preserving civil liberties of Maine people through litigation, advocacy, public education and lobbying. The MCLU follows these basic principles: the right of free expression; the right to dissent; the right to religious freedom; the right to equal treatment for all people; the right to fair play in encounters with government; and the right to be let alone, to be secure from interference in private matters.

” The MCLU is the state affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

“The mission of the ACLU is to assure that the Bill of Rights—amendments to the Constitution that guard against unwarranted governmental control—is preserved for each new generation. To understand the ACLU’s purpose, it is important to distinguish between the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The Constitution itself, whose bicentennial we celebrated in 1987, authorizes the government to act. The Bill of Rights limits that authority.”

(from www.mclu.org)

FMI: www.mclu.org