Weekend Voices 5/26/07

Producer/host: Amy Browne

Topic: Another in an on-going series of conversations between award-winning artist and activist Robert Shetterly and the subjects of his portraits series and book, Americans Who Tell the Truth. Today he is joined by another local activist, Jon Wilson of JUST Alternatives as they speak with author/activist Diane Wilson (Code Pink, Texas Jail Project, An Unreasonable Woman (Chelsea Green, 2005)

FMI: www.americanswhotellthetruth.org, www.texasjailproject.org, www.justalternatives.org

Voices 5/22/07

Producer/host: Amy Browne
Contributor: Eric Herter

Topics: Debra Sweet, Director of “World Can’t Wait” (www.worldcantwait.org), one of the first national pro-impeachment groups, speaking in Maine in March; Lee Witting on FDA Docket 2006D-0480 (www.fda.gov/cber/gdlns/altmed.htm) “Draft Guidelines for Industry on Complimentary and Alternative Medicine and Their Regulation by the Food and Drug Administration”. Public comment period ends 5/29/07 Lee Witting’s email: LeeWitting@midmaine.com

Weekend Voices 5/19/07

Producer/host: Amy Browne
Contributor: Carolyn Coe

Topic: Charles Hardy, author of Cowboy In Caracas: A NorthAmericans Memoir of Venezuela’s Democratic Revolution, speaking in Blue Hill, Maine recently as part of his book tour. Recorded by Carolyn Coe
Also, “A Song for Hugo Chavez” by David Rovics

FMI: www.cowboyincaracas.com , www.davidrovics.com , www.soawatch.org

Voices 5/15/07

Producer/host: Amy Browne

Contributing producer: Cathy Melio

Cathy Melio interviews artist Alan Magee about his current exhibition “Alan Magee: From the Underground River” which is at the Center for Maine Contemporary Art in Rockport through July 21st. The exhibition includes rarely exhibited drawings, monotypes, collages, and found object sculptures which express his concern for the ethical and
spiritual well being of our current society.

Cathy Melio is a WERU volunteer and the Education Director at the Center for Maine Contemporary Art in Rockport, Maine FMI: 207-236-2875 Ext 303, www.cmcanow.org

Voices 5/8/07

Producer/host: Amy Browne
Contributors: Joel Mann, Dave Evans

Topics: An interview with Gary Bushey, Jennifer Stucker and Anna Dembska of the Schoodic Summer Chorus. Rehearsals for the 2007 season start at the end of May and singers are invited to get involved. (FMI: www.schoodicarts.org) Also two more voices of presenters at last month’s Achieving Global Energy Security Conference in Portland: Brice Smith, PhD (in nuclear physics), Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, and Mary-Wynne Ashford, MD, former co-president of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War and author of Enough Blood Shed: 101 Solutions to Violence, Terror, and War. (Also see Weekend Voices, 5/5/07 for an interview with Dr. Thomas Huntington from the conference). (FMI: http://peaceactionme.org/achieving-global-energy-security-conference-announcement-workshops)

Weekend Voices 5/5/07

Producer/host: Amy Browne

Contributors: Robert Shetterly, ReneƩ Johnson, Dave Evans

Topics: Artist/activist Robert Shetterly interviews Tilly Woodward, also an artist and activist, and one of the subjects in Shetterly’s award-winning portrait series “Americans Who Tell the Truth”, Dave Evans interviews Dr. Tom Huntington of the U.S. Geological Survey about his research on the impacts of global warming in Maine

Voices 5/1/07

Producer/host: Amy Browne

Topics: An interview with local activist Jody Spear about the public hearing held last week on LD1650 “An Act to Amend the Laws Concerning Genetically Engineered Plants and Seeds”, and a Bealtaine Celebration with Karen Larson

For more information about the status of LD1650: www.maine.gov