Weekend Voices 12/30/06

Producer/host: Amy Browne
Contributors: Hazel Stark, Ousman (theme music)

Topic: A special produced by WERU Youth Radio reporter Hazel Stark. Hazel recently returned from a delegation to El Salvador, home of Bangor’s sister city, Carasque, as well as WERU’s sister station Radio Sumpul, and in today’s report she describes that experience.

Voices 12/27/06

Producer/host: Amy Browne
Contributors: Denis Howard, Ousman (theme music)
Topics: Denis Howard interviews David Weiss, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Northeast Historic Film, who describes new projects they are working on; An overview of some of the New Year’s Eve celebrations in the area; and Hazel Stark of WERU Youth Radio joins us with a preview of a story she is working for Weekend Voices, highlighting a recent delegation to El Salvador–which included several teenagers from this area.

Voices 12/20/06

Producer/host: Amy Browne

Contributors: Karen Larsen, Ousman (theme music)

Topics: Karen Larsen gets us into the Solstice spirit, and we think ahead to spring and planting trees, as we talk with FEDCO’s John Bunker and tree grower Becca Gagne

Weekend Voices 12/16/06

Producer/host: Amy Browne
Contributors: The WERU community!

Two year-end sound collages— the first featuring responses to the question “How do you feel about ‘the’ holidays?”, set to XmasNeurotica music by Joel Mann… Then a random sampling of soundbytes from Voices programs that aired in 2006.

Voices 12/13/06

Producer/host: Amy Browne
Contributors: Cathy Melio, Ousman
Topic: Cathy Melio interviews Bruce Brown, long-time curator of the Center for Maine Contemporary Arts and founder of the Maine Print Project—as he prepares to retire.

Weekend Voices 12/09/06

Weekend Voices 12/09/06
Producer/host: Amy Browne
Contributors: Tish Noyes, Denis Howard, Joe Fisher, Matt Murphy, Ousman
Topics: A special live edition of Weekend Voices featuring discussion of the interactive nature of the Voices program and inviting community participation and support. Also featuring interviews about the YoKids (yoga) program and about music therapy for people with autism spectrum disorders.

Voices 12/06/07

Producer/host: Amy Browne

Contributors: Denis Howard, Ousman (theme music)


Pledge drive! Please call 1-800-643-6273 and make a donation to help support WERU-FM!

An interview with Les Simon of WordShed, LLC
WordShed, LLC, announces the launching of its premier publication, The Aputamkon Review, Vol. I. Publisher Les Simon and Editor Katherine Mahon have assembled a unique assortment of previously unpublished word and visual arts. Twenty-six contributors living in Downeast Maine and Coastal New Brunswick Canada are featured in Vol. I.

“A-boo-DAHM-k’n?? is Passamaquoddy for “sea serpent,?? possibly the very one that, according to local legend and song, shows up from time to time in Passamaquoddy Bay.

In The Aputamkon Review, Vol. I you will find a mishmash of truths, half truths, and outright lies, including Short Fiction, SciFi, Tall Tales, Creative Non-Fiction, Essays, Poetry, Haiku, Black and White Visual Arts, Quips, Quirks, Quotes That Should be Famous, Witticisms, a Film Script excerpt, and Recipes.

For information:
Email: thewordshed@tds.net
or write to: the WordShed, LLC
Post Office Box 190
Jonesboro, Maine 04648-3026

They will hold a Launching Party at Whole Body Wellness Studio in Machias, Maine, across from the new Machias Savings Bank Training Center for cake and coffee, on Sunday, December 10, 2006, from 4:30 – 6:00 p.m.

the WordShed, LLC, will use any and all after-tax profits to pay contributors published in future volumes, and/or for contributions to area interests and non-profit organizations.

Weekend Voices 12/02/06

Want to support WERU’s programming, archives and podcasting? Make a pledge online or by calling 1-800-643-6273 and join the voice of many voices here at your listener supported grassroots radio station!! Thanks for keeping us non-corporate!

Producer/host: Amy Browne
Contributors: Matt Murphy, Meredith DeFrancesco, Ousman (theme music)
Topics: Matt Murphy interviews Skip Lisle, inventor and installer of the “Beaver Deceiver”-a humane device that allows beavers and humans to co-exist; Meredith DeFrancesco talks with Jesse Leah Vear, Nikki McLean and Jesse Flynn of POWER (Portland Organizing to Win Economic Rights) a group that has joined others across the country and around the world working to abolish poverty and end economic oppression.
Beaver Deceiver: skiplisle@vermontel.net, 802-843-1017
POWER: www.povertyontrial.org, power@riseup.net, 207-650-5092, POB 4281, Portland, ME 04101

Want to support WERU’s programming, archives and podcasting? Make a pledge online or by calling 1-800-643-6273 and join the voice of many voices here at your listener supported grassroots radio station!! Thanks for keeping us non-corporate!