Weekend Voices 5/01/10

Executive Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Contributing Producer: Meredith DeFrancesco

A conversation between artist/activist Robert Shetterly, and David Ray Griffin, on the factual inconsistencies surrounding the destruction of the World Trade Center.  Griffin is the author of many books on the issue, including  “The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11″.

Voices 4/27/10

“Fear No Art” Edition

Host: Cathy Melio

Topic: Maine’s “Imagination Intensive Communities”

What are the “Imagination Intensive Communities”?  What was the statewide “Arts Census”?  How can people access the census data?

Guest: Argy Nestor, Arts Specialist at the Maine Department of Education

Weekend Voices 4/17/10

Executive Producer:  Amy Browne

Contributing Producer: Carolyn Coe

On today’ program Carolyn Coe brings us a talk given by Medea Benjamin, co-founder of  CODEPINK, and founder of Global Exchange, on March 31st in Boston.   The event was sponsored by United for Justice with Peace, and the local chapter of CODEPINK

Weekend Voices 4/10/10

Executive Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Contributing Producers: Carolyn Coe, John Greenman

Segment 1: Lynne Williams on Citizens United v the Federal Election Commission, March 19, 2010 at the Blue Hill Public Library.  Sponsored by the Alliance for Democracy.   Attorney Lynne Williams presents the decision and outlines its implications along with possible local responses to the decision.   Also features Bonnie Preston.  FMI: www.corpperson.wav;

Segment 2: Earlier this week, U.S. President Obama and Russian President Russian President Dmitry Medvedev  signed the START follow-on Treaty for nuclear arms reduction, but if is uncertain whether Congress will give their approval.

Nuclear arms experts Col. Richard Klass (USAF, ret.) and Dr. Ira Helfand, MD were at the University of Maine on Tuesday, speaking about the risk of a nuclear weapons attack, current nuclear weapons policy debates and treaties, and the role Maine Senators Snowe and Collins will have in the implementation of a nuclear security agenda for the twenty-first century.  Dr. Helfand is a co-Founder and Past President of Physicians for Social Responsibility, and currently serves on their board of directors.  He also represents PSR on the Board of PSR’s global federation, the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, recipient of the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize.
Colonel Richard L. Klass served in the U.S. Air Force for over 22 years, retiring in 1980, and he currently serves as Executive Director for the Veteran’s Alliance for Security and Democracy.   WERU’s John Greenman recorded the talk, and today we bring you excerpts.
FMI:  www.armscontrolcenter.org

Weekend Voices 4/3/10

Producer: Carolyn Coe

Host: Amy Browne

Topic:  Speakers from the Active Community Teach-In “Bring Our War $$ Home”, held in Bangor on 3/20/10, sponsored by the Peace and Justice Center of Eastern Maine.

Keynote: Mariam Atifa Raqib, President of Samsortya, a nonprofit with the goal of reforesting part of eastern Afghanistan.  Raqib worked from 1996-2007 with the Afghan Health and Social Assistance Organization in Peshwar, Pakistan.  She was born in Afghanistan.  In her keynote she provides a timeline of Afghanistan’s recent history, since the abolition of the Afghan monarchy.  FMI: www.afghanistansamsortya.org

Gold Star Mother Mary Alice Horrigan speaks about the human costs (among other costs) of war.