Weekend Voices 2/27/10

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Topic: “Is There an Afghanistan?” 2010 Camden Conference Speaker: G. Whitney Azoy
When and how was modern Afghanistan formed?  What are the major ethnic groups in Afghanistan?  What is the relationship of the Taliban to the Pashtun in Afghanistan?

Voices 2/09/10

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Topic: War Tax Resistance

What is war tax resistance?  What has been the impetus for each of our guests to become war tax resisters?  What have been the consequences?

Guests: Frank Donnelly, Larry Dansinger, Dan Jenkins

FMI: www.peacectr.org ,  rosc@psouth.net , 207-525-7776 , www.cpti.ws

Weekend Voices 2/06/10

Executive Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Contributors: John Greenman, Carolyn Coe, Darwin Davidson

Segment 1: A coalition of groups held a press conference in Old Town last week, calling for tighter restrictions on solid waste disposal in Maine, and improved public access to information about the system.    WERU’s John Greenman was there, and he brings us this report.
Segment 2: Carolyn Coe interviews Kassem, an Iraqi living in the U.S.
Segment 3:Darwin Davidson is one of the hosts of Bronzewound, a bluegrass show that airs every Thursday night from 8 to 10pm here on WERU.    A few days ago he spoke with one of the organizers of a big, upcoming show—the Joe Val Bluegrass Festival, Gerry Katz, VP of the Boston Bluegrass Union.  FMI: www.bbu.org

Voices 2/02/10

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Today we get a sneak preview of “Girl Power”– a musical, written by Jason Bannister and Justin Bart, teachers at Troy Howard Middle School in Belfast.  We’re joined by Jason Bannister, Justin Bart, and four of the cast members:  Emma Sturdevant, Hannah Lynam, Autumn Stupca and Sarah Berry.
The show will be opening on Friday, February 26th, presented by the school’s Center Stage Ensemble (Drama Club).
FMI: www.thmsdrama.wordpress.com      Tickets: 207-338-3320

Weekend Voices 1/30/10

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

The company responsible for cleaning up hundreds of thousands of tons of soil contaminated by mercury at the former Holtrachem chemical plant in Orrington, is asking the state to approve a cheaper, less thorough, and quicker, clean up plan for the site.   Mallinckrodt Incorporated, a subsidiary of a multibillion dollar corporation, would save an estimated $100 million, and leave behind a large quantity of mercury in the soil, if their plan to remove only the most contaminated section is approved.   Mercury is a potent neurotoxin, and the former Holtrachem site is on the banks of the Penobscot River, just a few miles upstream from Penobscot Bay.

The Board of Environmental Protection held a public hearing in Orrington, Thursday night to hear what people think about the proposal.  WERU was there, and today we bring you excerpts from the testimony.
FMI: www.mainepeoplesalliance.org