WERU Community SoapBox 2/16/12

Issue: Various (open mic style call in show)
Broadcast Time: 10am

Program Topic: various (see list below)

Key Discussion Points:
The Occupy Movement
Climate Change/Global Warming
East-West Expressway
Global tax on carbon
Local interdependence
Maine GOP Caucus Scandal
Local politics

Guests by name and affiliation: n/a

Call In Program: yes

Political Broadcast: no

Host: Amy Browne

Engineer: Joel Mann

WERU Community SoapBox 2/14/12

Issue: Open-mic style call in show.
Broadcast Time: 4pm

Program Topic: Various (see below)
Key Discussion Points:
Land Use Regulation Commission (LURC) Reform
The film “Windfall”
Liquid Propane Gas (LPG) proposal in Searsport and moratorium
Bank bailout
National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)
Occupy Movement
Rally to save the US Postal Service
3rd party candidates
Local politics

Guests by name and affiliation: n/a
Call In Program: yes
Political Broadcast: no

Host: Amy Browne
Engineer: Joel Mann

WERU Special: Coal Mining 2/8/12

Broadcast time: 4pm

Program Topic: impacts of coal mining practices in southern West Virginia on the environment, residents’ health, and worker safety

Key Discussion Points:
a) The choices for those who are trying to make a living in southern West Virginia are difficult at best.
b) A recent health study conducted in mountaintop removal coal mining areas revealed higher cancer rates and different cancer types than in a non-mining area of West Virginia.
c) Few working miners join the union despite unsafe working conditions.

Guests by name and affiliation:
A) Reverend Jim Lewis
B) Bo Webb
C) Larry Metheney, Sec./Treasurer AFL-CIO of WV
Call In Program: n
Political Broadcast: y
Host: Carolyn Coe

FMI: americanswhotellthetruth.org

WERU Community SoapBox 2/7/12

Issue: Open mic style call-in show

Broadcast Time: 4pm

Program Topic: Various
Key Discussion Points:
School consolidation
Legalizing cannabis
LPG proposal/Searsport
Universal Health Care
Sovereign Citizens
Book recommendation
TUC Radio

Guests by name and affiliation: n/a
Call In Program: yes
Political Broadcast: no

Host: Amy Browne
Engineer: Joel Mann

WERU Community SoapBox 1/31/12

Issue: Open mic style call in show

Broadcast Time: 4pm

Program Topic: Various (see list below)

Key Discussion Points:
Listeners call in about several topics, including:
The “Occupy” movement in general, as well as specific events;
Critique of the “mainstream” media;
“Save America’s Postal Service” movement/event(s)
“Project Censored”
Corporations/”Citizens United”
Republican Debates
Money as “free speech”
US energy consumption
Military spending
National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and upcoming protest
FBI Whistleblower Sybil Edmunds
Liquefied Propane Gas (LPG) terminal proposed in Searsport

Guests: n/a (several callers, no scheduled guests)

Call In Program: Yes
Political Broadcast: No

Host: Amy Browne
Engineer: Matt Murphy

WERU Weekly SoapBox 1/24/12

Issue: An open-mic style call-in show, providing a forum for community members to share information, news and opinions.

Broadcast Time: 4pm

Program Topic: various

Key Discussion Points:
WERU public affairs program, community events, Liquified Propane Gas (LPG) & the facility proposed for Searsport, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)

Guests by name and affiliation: n/a (9 callers)

Call In Program: yes
Political Broadcast: no

Host: Amy Browne
Engineer: Joel Man

WERU Community SoapBox 1/19/12

Issue: Varies

Broadcast Time: 10 am

Program Topic: An open-mic style call in show dedicated to providing a forum for listeners to call in with news, information, announcements, etc

Key Discussion Points (list at least 3):
a) School consolidation
b) Reducing the state deficit
c) wars/military spending
d) events happening in the community
e) presidential candidates
f) other

Guests by name and affiliation: n/a (18 callers)

Call In Program: yes
Political Broadcast: no

Host: Amy Browne
Engineer: Joel Mann

WERU Community SoapBox 12/15/11

Issue: News events and opinions– from listeners

Broadcast Time: 10am

Program Topic: Open-mic style call-in show
Key Discussion Points (list at least 3):
a) National Defense Authorization Act
b) Acting globally vs locally
c) Upcoming events

Guests by name and affiliation: Several callers, identified by first name and town

Call In Program: Yes
Political Broadcast: For about 5 minutes (Ralph Coffman announces candidacy–Independent, President)
Host: Amy Browne
Engineer: Joel Mann