WERU Special: Coal Mining 2/8/12

Broadcast time: 4pm

Program Topic: impacts of coal mining practices in southern West Virginia on the environment, residents’ health, and worker safety

Key Discussion Points:
a) The choices for those who are trying to make a living in southern West Virginia are difficult at best.
b) A recent health study conducted in mountaintop removal coal mining areas revealed higher cancer rates and different cancer types than in a non-mining area of West Virginia.
c) Few working miners join the union despite unsafe working conditions.

Guests by name and affiliation:
A) Reverend Jim Lewis
B) Bo Webb
C) Larry Metheney, Sec./Treasurer AFL-CIO of WV
Call In Program: n
Political Broadcast: y
Host: Carolyn Coe

FMI: americanswhotellthetruth.org