Voices 3/17/09

Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Zoe Weil, is the co-founder and President of the Institute for Humane Education, and author of several books, including “Above All Be Kind: Raising a Humane Child in Challenging Times”, (New Society Publishers, 2003); “The Power and Promise of Humane Education” (New Society Publishers, 2004); “Claude and Medea, The Hellburn Dogs” , Winner of the 2008 Moonbeam Children’s Book Award, (Lantern Books, 2007); & “So, You Love Animals: An Action-Packed, Fun-Filled Book to Help Kids Help Animals”, (New Society Publishers, 1994)

She joins us today to talk about her latest book “Most Good, Least Harm: A Simple Principle For a Better World and a Meaningful Life” (Atria Books, 2009)

FMI: www.zoeweil.com & www.humaneeducation.org

Weekend Voices 3/14/09

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell
Topic: 2009 Camden Conference
Guest: Nicholas Burns, Professor at the Kennedy School, xpeaking at the Camden Conference
Nicholas Burns on “A New Era of Diplomacy for the Obama Administration”
What does former Under Secretary Burns think are the major foreign relations opportunities facing the Obama administration? What does former Under Secretary Burns think are the major foreign relations challenges facing the Obama administration? Why is “soft power” so important for the U.S. today? T

Voices 3/10/09

Executive Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Contributing Producers: Magnus Johnstone, Joan Federman, Joel Mann
Guests: Jim Bahoosh, Kea Tesseyman
Segments 1 & 2: Planet B-Boy at “WERU Goes to the Movies”. Interviews with Kea Tesseyman and event co-organizer Jim Bahoosh: WERU-FM Community Radio is once again offering its winter documentary film series at the Belfast Free Library, the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM. Free Admission. New for 2009: Each movie will be preceded by a 15 minute special event. March 12th: Planet B-Boy (2007) NR
This Tribeca Film Festival selection affords viewers exclusive access to the underground world of break dancing, charting the highs and lows of five B-boy teams practicing for the all-important “Battle of the Year.” Combining stunning dance footage from Japan, Germany, South Korea, France and the United States, documentarian Benson Lee sets out to show that break dancing didn’t fade into history — it merely evolved into a remarkable art form. Special event: Kea Tesseyman will perform a break dance demonstration. Kea is a dance instructor known for bringing hip-hop and dance to the community.Show begins at 7:00 PM at the Belfast Free Library’s Abbot Room. Admission is Free. COMPLETE FILM SCHEDULE. For more information call 207-469-6600or email: info@weru.org.
Segment 3: Getting a 300+ lb. transformer part up Blue Hill mountain in the snow. Why? To keep WERU-FM on the air and serving our community!!

Weekend Voices 3/07/09

Executive Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Contributing Producers: Susan Dickson-Smith, Trisha Terwilliger, Anneli Sundqvist
Music Contributors: Andy Jordan, Joel Mann

Segment 1: Susan Dickson-Smith brings us a report on grassroots efforts to save the Obstetrics Department at Blue Hill hospital. FMI: http://www.savebluehillob.blogspot.com/

Segment 2: Trisha Terwilliger interviews Ziad Abbas, a Palestinian refugee and journalist from Dheisheh Refugee Camp in the West Bank who will be on a speaking tour in Maine this month. FMI and dates: Ibdaa Cultural Center, www.ibdaa194.org and Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA), www.mecaforpeace.org

Segment 3: More of Deer Isle Hostel manager Anneli Sundqvist’s audio journal reports from her 2007 overland journey between the middle east and her childhood homeland of Sweden

Weekend Voices 2/28/09

Producer/Host: Jim Campbell

Topic: Brent Scowcroft Camden Conference keynote Presentation
What are the key foreign policy issues facing the new administration? What is the hottest “hot spot” in the world now? What is the role of economics in foreign affairs?

FMI: http://www.camdenconference.org/

Note: On March 14, 21 and 28, 2009, 3-4p.m., Weekend Voices will be airing more audio from the Camden Conference, in a series produced by WERU’s Jim Campbell.

Voices 2/24/09

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Contributors: Cathy Melio, Anneli Sundqvist

Segment 1: Cathy Melio’s “Artist’s Voice” feature in conjunction with the Center for Maine Contemporary Art

Segment 2: Anneli Sundqvist’s audio journal of her overland journey from Libya, through the middle east and Balkans, to Sweden, her childhood home (in 2007).  Today: Malmo, Amman & Hama

Weekend Voices 2/21/09

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Contributors: Carolyn Coe, John Greenman, Meredith DeFrancesco, Jessie Dyer-Stewart, Andy Jordan

Segment 1: Confronting the Iraqi Refugee Crisis conference at Colby College.  A report produced by Carolyn Coe and John Greenman.  How are students at Colby College organizing to address the Iraqi refugee crisis?  Why are Iraqis seeking resettlement in a third country like the U.S.?  What is the experience for those who have resettled and for the organizations working to support new immigrants? Speaker: Jason Opal, Professor at Colby.  FMI: www.refugeesinternational.org , www.thelistproject.org , www.preventinghate.org , www.ccmaine.org , www.afsc.org

Segment 2: The 2 major political parties in El Salvador are comprised of people who fought on opposite sides in the civil war there in the 1980s.  The right-wing ARENA party, of which the current president is a member, is the party of the repressive government and death squads that were financially supported by the US.  As a term of the Peace Accords, those who committed atrocities were never tried or punished, and many of them continue to be in power.  The left-leaning FMLN party represents the popular people’s movement who rose up against the repressive right wing regime.  In the recent municipal elections the FMLN were largely victorious, and the FMLN presidential candidate is ahead in the polls for that election, to be held next month.  As we’ve reported previously, there are widespread reports from El Salvador that the communities that support the FMLN are being targeted for harassment—- and on-going criminalization of dissent— by the current right wing regime.  This has escalated in recent days in the community of Cinquera.  Meredith DeFrancesco, Jessie Dyer-Stewart and Amy Browne spoke by phone yesterday with Francisco Amilcar Lobo, a teacher from Cinquera who described what has been happening.  FMI: www.elsalvadorsolidarity.org

Also, a 4 part special produced by Amy Browne in 2007 features Don Pablo Alvarenga, the town historian, telling about the oppression and atrocities in the years leading up to, and during the war.  Here are links to those programs in our archives:



