WERU News Report 4/18/12

Issue: Independent, Alternative Local News
Producer/Host/Engineer: Amy Browne
Contributor: John Greenman

Program Topics: Segment 1: Steve Brouwer talking about his new book “Revolutionary Doctors: How Venezuela and Cuba are Changing the World’s Conception of Health Care”; Segment 2: The Maine People’s Alliance marked tax day yesterday by attempting to present tax bills to Bank of America branches across the state. I caught up with the group in Bangor

Key Discussion Points:
a) Training of medical professionals in Venezuela
b) Maine People’s Alliance protest
c) Bank of America –bail out and tax responsibility

A) Steve Brouwer (lecture recorded by John Greenman at the UMaine Marxist and Socialist Lecture Series)
B) Nicole Brown, Maine People’s Alliance (fmi: www.mainepeoplesalliance.org)

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