WERU News Report 7/9/14

Host: Amy Browne
Producer: Carolyn Coe

Topic: Palestine–child arrests

Key Discussion Points:
Israel tries and convicts hundreds of Palestinian children in military courts each year. Many of these children, between the ages of 12 and 17, experience abuse during their arrest and detention and about one-fifth are put into solitary confinement.

The long-term consequences of the systematic arrest and detention of children in Palestine include lifetime travel restrictions, unfinished schooling, disruptions within families, and a fear of future arrest and harm.

Organizations within Palestine are working to educate and advocate for children on their rights under international law.

Ivan Karakashian, advocacy unit coordinator, Defence for Children International, Palestine
Suha Ziyada, public relations officer with Al Shoruq
Issa Suf, activist, Hares

Defence for Children International, Palestine http://www.dci-pal.org/
Shoruq Organization http://www.shoruq.org/
info on the round-up of boys in Hares http://haresboys.wordpress.com/