Voices 4/14/09

Executive Producer/Host: Amy Browne
Contributing Producer: Carolyn Coe

Segment 1: Betsy Smith, Executive Director of Equality Maine, on LD 1020 the “Marriage Equality Bill”. Such a large turnout is expected at the Public Hearing on the bill next week (on Wednesday 4/22/09), that the event has been moved to the Augusta Civic Center. FMI: www.equalitymaine.org

Segment 2: Another installment in Carolyn Coe’s series of interviews with Iraqi refugees that she met while traveling in the Middle East earlier this year. Today: Families in Different Neighboring Countries of Iraq. Why are Iraqis deciding to return to Iraq now? Are Iraqi family members able to join their family already in Jordan? What effect did U.S. sanctions have on government workers in Iraq?