WERU News Report 7/31/13

Producer/Host: Amy Browne

Segment 1: A coalition of environmental, health and civic groups called the Alliance for a Clean & Healthy Maine, are calling on Governor LePage to ask 10 major food manufacturers to disclose which of their products contain the toxic chemical bisphenol-A (also known as BPA). At a press conference in Bangor this morning, they expressed disappointment with the governor’s veto of legislation regulating the chemical. Governor LePage has dismissed the dangers of BPA, with his infamous statement about it only maybe causing women to grow “little beards”, but scientists & researchers that study the issue, confirm the concerns expressed at this morning’s rally. We spoke with some of them in 2010, when they were in Maine giving expert testimony at a public hearing on BPA. Today we take you to the rally in Bangor, and listen to what the scientists we interviewed in 2010 had to say.

Segment 2: Peacetime, produced in cooperation with the Peace & Justice Center of Eastern Maine. This week we speak with Doug Allen, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Maine, and Education Coordinator at the Peace and Justice Center, about their upcoming annual commemoration of the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki