WERU News Report 1/17/12

Issue: Alternative Local News
Broadcast Date: 1/17/12
Broadcast Time: 4pm

Program Topics:

Segment 1: Naomi Schalit and John Christie, Senior Reporters for the Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting have just published the results of their investigation into how a loophole in state law has allowed $235 million dollars to flow from the state to private organizations run by legislative leaders or the spouses of high-level state officials—without any requirement that it be reported to the public.

Segment 2: Dr. Denise Patmon, the Keynote Speaker at yesterday’s 16th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Breakfast Celebration at the University of Maine.

Key Discussion Points:

a) State Law Loophole explained

b) How has the loophole been used?

c) MLK Jr’s vision for education

Guests by name and affiliation:

A) Naomi Schalit, Senior Reporter for the Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting (www.pinetreewatchdog.org)

B) Dr. Denise Patmon. 2011-2012 Libra Professor at the University of Maine, Director of the undergraduate teacher licensure program at U Mass Boston where she teaches courses in writing and literature and supervises field experiences in urban schools. Her professional writing has been heavily influenced by her experiences as a black person involved in the National Writing Project.

Call In Program: No
Political Broadcast: No

Host: Amy Browne
Engineer: Amy Browne
Audio recorded by: Matt Murphy