Weekend Voices 1/13/07

Producer/host: Amy Browne

Contributors: Producer Jim Campbell, Joel Mann (theme music)

On today’s Voices, we feature a talk and an extensive question and answer session on the topic of “Europe and the Middle East”, a topic which necessarily involves the United States, given the situation in Iraq, Palestine, Iran and Syria. This topic is especially relevant in this week when Mr. Bush has sent another 21,500 American soldiers to Iraq.

The presenter is Dr. Charles Cogan, a Research Associate at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs in the Kennedy School of Harvard University. But academia is actually Dr. Cogan’s second career. From 1954-1991, he served as an Intelligence Officer in the CIA, and over those almost 40 years served in many locations around the world, including serving as the Chief of the Near East-South Asia division in the Directorate of Operations at the CIA. He also served as Station Chief in Paris for five years. He has, in other words, first hand experience in living and working in both Europe and the Middle East.

This presentation is one of the community events sponsored by, and leading up to, the 20th Annual Camden Conference, which will be held in Camden, Maine from February 23-25. It was recorded on January 7 at the Farnsworth Museum in Rockland. In addition to Dr. Cogan, you will hear the voice of Mac Deford who served as moderator, and who repeated the questions from the audience during the question and answer period so that everyone in the auditorium – and in the WERU audience – could hear them.

For more information on the conference and on other community events, go to www.camdenconference.org.

This presentation was recorded and produced by Jim Campbell.