Common Health 2/19/14

Host: Jim Fisher
Engineer: Amy Browne

Issue: Homelessness, Discrimination and Health

Key Discussion Points:
a) Who are Maine’s homeless people?
b) What are the causes of their homelessness, particularly for youth?
c) How does being homeless impact on their health?
d) What programs do we have in Maine to assist homes and marginalized populations?

Kenny Miller, Executive Director Down East Aids Network 25A Pine Street Ellsworth, ME 207-667-3506 or Toll-Free 800-669-0893
Jody Pierce Glover HIV Prevention Educator (207) 795-6048 Ext. 217

Common Health 1/15/14

Host: Jim Fisher
Engineer: Amy Browne

Program Topic: Winter Recreation and Fitness

Key Discussion Points:
a) What is Teens to Trails hoping to accomplish?
b) What activities does the Bureau of Parks and Lands offer for getting outdoor’s in the winter?
c) Why is it important to get outdoors in the winter?
d) What does it take to get young people to do outdoor physical activity in the winter?

Mike Leighton, Manager Northern Region Parks
Bureau of Parks and Lands
106 Hogan Road, Suite 7 Bangor, ME 04401
(207) 941-4014
Mckenzie Smith, Partnerships Coordinator Teens to Trails
98 Maine Street Brunswick ME 04011
( 207) 725-0800

Common Health 11/20/13

Host: Jim Fisher
Engineer: Amy Browne

Program Topic: Mining and Public Health

Key Discussion Points
a) What kinds of mines do we have in Maine?
b) What is Maine’s history with metal / sulfate mining?
d) What are some of the environmental and health risks of metal mining?
c) Where are we headed in Maine?

Rep. Ralph Chapman
Maine State Legislator, HD 37 and Environmental Scientist
Lindsay Newland Bowker CPCU, ARM, Environmental Risk Manager
Bowker Associates, Science & Research In the Public Interest, Stonington Maine
Lindsay Newland Bowker, Environmental Risk Manager, Mineral Mining Blog

Common Health 10/16/13

Host: Jim Fisher
Engineer: Amy Browne

Issue: Access to Health Care: Barriers to Health Care

Program Topic: Access to Health Care: Barriers to Health Care

a) What are the major barriers to obtaining health care in Maine?
b) Is the challenge of transportation likely to get more difficult in the future?
d) How do we overcome cultural barriers to health care access?
c) What resources are available to help people gain access to care?

A) Elsie Fleming
Community Relations & Development Director
Healthy Acadia
PO Box 962, Bar Harbor, ME 04609
(o) 207-288-5331 ext 10 / (c) 207-669-2073

B) Jim Lysen
FQHC Executive Director/Chief Financial Officer
Community Clinical Services, Inc.
B Street Community Center – Suite 201 – 57 Birch Street, Lewiston, Maine

Common Health 9/18/13

Host: Jim Fisher
Engineer: Amy Browne

Program Topic: Access to Health Care: Paying for Health Care

a) What does the Affordable Care Act or ObamaCare do to extend access to health care?
b) Why have some elements of this legislation caused such strong resistance?
d) Who can help listeners to learn more about ACA coverage? Navigators? Counselors?
c) What can listeners do to sign up for health care insurance?

A) Dr. Philip Caper (
Maine All Care

B) Mitchell Stein, MBA (
Policy Director
Consumers for Affordable Health Care
P.O. Box 2490, 12 Church Street
Augusta, Maine 04338-2490

Common Health 8/21/13

Host: Jim Fisher
Engineer: Amy Browne

Program Topic: Climate Change and Public Health

Key Discussion Points:
What is climate and how is it changing?
What are some of the causes of climate change?
What are some environmental consequences of climate change?
What are some health consequences of climate change?

Alexander Gray, Sustainability Research Coordinator, University of Maine Cooperative Extension / Maine Sea Grant
Abraham Miller-Rushing, Ph.D. Science Coordinator Schoodic Education and Research Center Acadia National Park

Common Health 7/17/13

Host: Jim Fisher
Engineer: Amy Browne

Program Topic: Therapeutic Massage

Key Discussion Points:
A) What is the therapeutic massage? What are the different techniques?
B) What can we do to alter our environment or behaviors to prevent muscle problems?
C) What happens in a typical massage therapy session?

A) Charlene Crane, LMT, NCTMB 207-370-5902
B) Betsy Arntzen, LMT, NCBTMB 207-266-7753

Common Health 6/19/13

Host: Jim Fisher
Engineer: Amy Browne

Program Topic: Guns and Violence

Key Discussion Points:
A) What is the prevalence of violence and how do guns affect behavior?
B) What are some of the underlying causes of violence, particularly gun violence?
C) How can society respond to continue reducing rates of violence?

A) Pret Bjorn, Trauma Coordinator, Eastern Maine Health
B) Peter Sly, Principal Independent legal consultant and member of Maine Citizens Against Hand Gun Violence