Mid-Coast Currents 4/15/11

Producer/Host: John Zavodny
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne


Who will be performing at the Belfast Free Range Music Festival? What makes the mid-coast a good place to play, hear, and promote music? Can Belfast be considered a legitimate music town without a major venue?

Meg and Bub Fournier: mid-coast music promoters; coordinators of the Belfast Free Range Music Festival;
Emily Burnham: Lifestyle reporter for the Bangor Daily News since 2006, avid local music fan and supporter, former music director for WMEB 91.9 FM at the University of Maine, Belfast native.
Dan Beckman: Host of underground house (or in this case, barn) concerts; mid-coast music producer, including Waterfall Arts. Co-owner of “Turned Word,” a mid-coast based record label; nationally touring musician; Free Range Music Festival organizer; and sometime dj at WERU;
Nancy Zane: Women’s Environmental Leadership Coordinator at Unity College.

Meg and Bub Fournier, Belfast Free Range Music Festival: http://freerangemusicfestival.com/
Dan Beckman: http://ukeofspacescorners.blogspot.com/; www.turnedword.com
Emily Burnham: eburnham@bangordailynews.com
House Concerts: www.concertsinyourhome.com; www.downeastmusic.org

Mid-Coast Currents 3/18/11

Producer/Host: John Zavodny, Unity College
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne


How is cohousing different from communal living? How did the Belfast project get started? In what ways will the project address sustainability issues?

Sanna McKim, Project Manager, BC&E. Born in Boston of Danish heritage where the cohousing movement got its start; M.S. from Audobon Expeditions Institute; former Executive Director of Maine Business for Social Responsibility; a sometime shepherd; Equity Member in BC&E.
Alan Gibson, partner G O Logic; carpenter, building designer, building energy analyst, and general contractor specializing in custom, energy efficient home construction. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Brown University where he studied environmental science and history. He’s studied building science on his own for over 20 years and has been a business owner since 1992. Equity Member in BC&E.
Coleen O’Connell, Process Committee Chair BCE. Faculty member, Leslie University Director of the “Ecological Teaching and Learning” MS program; founding member of the Ravenwood Collective (N. Searsmont); equity Member in BCE.

PO Box 100, Belfast, ME 04915
(207) 338-9200

Cohousing Association: http://www.cohousing.org
Fellowship for Intentional Community: http://www.ic.org/
Ecovillage Network of the Americas: http://ena.ecovillage.org/eng/

Two Echo in Brunswick: http://www.two-echo.org/
Greensward Hamlet in Buxton: http://www.greenswardhamlet.com/

Mid-Coast Currents 2/18/11

Producer/Host: John Zavodny, PhD, Unity College faculty
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

Topic: Unity College: Then, Now, and In the Future

What is Unity College’s significance to mid-coast Maine? What are the major accomplishments of Unity College over the last five years? What can we expect from Unity College over the next several years?

Dr. Mitchell Thomashow, Unity College President | Author of “Bringing the Biosphere Home,” and “Ecological Identity,” both published by MIT press. He serves on the board of the Coalition on Environmental and Jewish Life (COEJL), and the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). He is on the advisory board of Orion Magazine. Thomashow is a founding member of the Council of Environmental Deans and Directors (CEDD).

Dr. Amy Knisley, Unity College Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs | Knisley earned her Ph D in Philosophy from the University of Colorado and Master of Environmental Law and Policy from Vermont Law School. She is an organic farmer and small business owner (with husband Ed) of Betsy?s Farm, currently located in Benton, Maine.

Mid-Coast Currents 12/17/10

Producer/Host: John Zavodny
Studio Engineer: Amy Browne

A discussion among local food and hunger experts concerning how local agriculture is addressing hunger in Knox and Waldo counties, and profile the hungry of Midcoast Maine.

Guests: Ann Acheson, research associate at the University of Maine Margaret Chase Smith Center, editor of Maine Policy Review and author of the “2009 Poverty in Maine Update”; Jennifer Gunderman-King, co-administrator and co-founder of the Davistown Community Farm Share Program; Barbara Murphy, extension educator for the Oxford County Cooperative Extension; and Sara Trunzo, food and farms coordinator at Unity College.

Call in show

Mid-Coast Currents (Debut show) 11/19/10

Producer/Host: John Zavodny, Unity College
Studio Engineer: Joel Mann

Topic: Maine Street Hits The Maine Coast: Downtown Revitalization in Rockland and Belfast

Why is downtown revitalization important to Maine? What is the Main Street program? What initiatives have been undertaken in Belfast and Rockland?

Roxanne Eflin, Program Director, Maine Downtown Center, Maine Development Foundation, www.mdf.org, Maine State Coordinator of the National Trust Main Street Center;
Larraine Brown, Project Coordinator, Our Town Belfast
Lorain Francis, Executive Director, Rockland Main Street
Mike Hurley, Belfast City Council

Call in show